I have recently been having a feeling of guilt for having escaped the W.T while so many friends and family remain trapped.
Has anyone else ever had similar feelings?
by new hope and happiness 33 Replies latest jw experiences
I have recently been having a feeling of guilt for having escaped the W.T while so many friends and family remain trapped.
Has anyone else ever had similar feelings?
Unable to relate in.
I have no ill will toward those still in. I would do anything to help those still in. I would welcome those still in into my home and occassionally I feel bad for those whos minds are still trapped. But I have no guilt. I have no need of guilt. For once I am confident I did exactly the right thing. Any negative fallout associated with my decision to leave is the responsibility of the cult... not the Dork.
Oh gosh yes, I do.
But you cannot spend your time and energy worrying about other people all of the time. it will do you in.
Best to just get on with getting through each day I think.
To be fair, they are adults, they have their own minds, for whatever reasons, if they decide to stya in, and put up with all the rubbish,
they have no one to blame but themselves. They know what is going on. so either, they stay, because they think they are superior, or they haven't the strength to leave.
''...........each one must carry his own load...'' isn't that the scripture they use for leaving 'weak' ones to themselves ?
You reap what you sow... and what goes around comes around.
The only ones I know that are still in, are my parents & bio sister. Both of my bio-brothers are out, but I have been so effectively demonized in their eyes that they still will have no contact w/me.
Raised in, baptized at 14. Left at 24. I don't know if I'm df'd, but have been shunned by them. ^
I have been out for 25 yrs. Two grown children, three grandchildren. Married for 20yrs. Lived in the same house, work at the same job, same phone number last 15yrs. I've been out longer than when I was in.
Because of the cult's made up rules......... I have not had any contact with my family.
I don't feel guilty, I feel angerat my family for being so blind. I feel anger that they would trust the faceless org. that has done nothing for them but not their own flesh and blood.
stupid stupid people.
I tell you what. more people should listen to me. <I was j/k about this last part.
No, I don't feel guilty. I feel sadness towards the people and anger towards the Borg.
Most of them think they're happy inside the wacky Watchtower-world. Try to talk a little reason with them, and they grow angry and suspcious with you.
So with the exception of minor children living under their parents' roof, they mostly are there by choice. There's no need to go on a guilt side-trip over our former friends.
The emotional separation that they're forced to enforce is one of the most frustrating things, but what can we do? Move on and live a happy life. Eventually the old friends fade way into the background.
I have a measure of peace in the knowledge that our heavenly father is only against evil persons whom are mostly concentrated in the "ruling religious clergy class".
The R&F are mostly good people who have been deceived and taken captive spiritually. If they will have us it seems we are called to visit them in spiritual prison. I feel God has a plan for all the spiritually lost.
I feel I should be doing something to help friends wake up, but I figure they'll have to work it out for themselves or I'll just be viewed as a raving apostate. It's different tho if you got family in though, I can imagine.
:I feel I should be doing something to help friends wake up, but I figure they'll have to work it out for themselves
Agreed. The best thing we can do is show any possible kindness (or avoid them if it's best), but be available for them if they ever decide to come on out and need our support. The support from my sister and one childhood friend (who also grew up JW) was invaluable to me at the very start of my post-Watchtower journey.
Thanks for the replys.
Recently i have been thinking my leaving strategy was rather selfish. I left my friends with their dumb acceptance of the maniputive teachings of the W.T teachings and a missplaced gratitude for what the society is doing for them
My question was promted by " Mr Flippers" kind comment to my introductory post. He suggested i read Crisis of Coccience. My reply was " No thanks".because i have done my research and i left. Finnished. Now i realize i left something behind, something deeper and more meaningful than justification i made the right decision to leave i left friends. And today i feel their suffering. Even if they dont. Now they know i am a threat and ots to late to reason with them.
Any way last week this board introduced me to Greek Mythology and where the story of Christ came from. Wow i really learnt a lot in my week here. More than a life time in the organisatin. Thank you all.
Any way its too late now if i failed them