just got an email from a jw friend

by outofthelionsden 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emery


  • Giordano

    Start with what you said at the end of your post only make it about her.

    " I know you are contacting me out of love, your actually the only person that has contacted me, not even my family has done that......... the second they found out we had doubts they cut me off as if we were dead." So I do appreciate hearing from you. I (we) are very happy and if anything I have grown spiritually stronger. As always your are in my prayers.

  • RayPublisher

    outofthelionsden - Your friend obviously cares about you and IMO deserves a reply. A lot of good advice has been given already- one way that a note that might be helpful could be: (If true in your case of course)

    "Thank you for reaching out to me and communicating, I appreciate it. I have not left God, and have not abondoned my faith in him and his Son. So many have shunned me without ever hearing what happened, choosing to believe rumors instead. If you want to talk about it with an open mind, then I would be happy to share what I've learned with you.

    Regardless, I value our friendship and my door is always open.

    With Kind Regards,

    [your name]"

  • wasblind


    I generally don't hold a persons past against who they are today

    But it's a different story in regard to the Jehovah's Witness religion

    After all, thier entire past was said to be based on the truth

    Now. they wanna know why folks keep bringin' up thier past

    Duh!!!!!! cuz it was supposed to be the TRUTH


  • Quendi

    I love your response, outsmarthesystem. When I made a similar response to those who have questioned why I will not seek reinstatement, I was told, “That’s your problem, Quendi. You think too much and you believe you’re smarter than ‘the faithful and discreet slave.’ ” The WTS doesn’t want free thinkers in its ranks. They only want obedient and submissive drones who will do as they are told. The only people who are allowed to introduce anything new are the Governing Body and its lieutenants.


  • Emery

    @Quendi, I would have responded with, "I don't think, I know I am smarter. I would take them to task and debate them if they weren't such cowards."

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Some great responses here folks , im just marking this thread for future use....

  • outofthelionsden

    wow outsmarthesystem what amazing points you made you hit the nail on the head! i would love to see them try to answer those questions with just the bible alone.

    thank you all for all your comments and ideas, i really do appreciate it

    i was thinking of sending her this:

    Dear so and so,

    Thank you for sending me a message I know you did it out of love. So, no i'm not offended I completely understand how you feel. I appreciate your concern for us, you have been the only friend to contact me. I don't want to cause you pain i'm sorry for that, but there are things that i'm sure you don't know about that have caused me to think a lot! I prefer not to go into details, I have no desire to ruin your faith. I know you think that I have left Jehovah but I have not abandoned my faith in him and his Son, if anything I have grown spiritually stronger, even though that might be hard for you to understand. As always your are in my prayers.If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask. Regardless, I value our friendship and i will always love you all and will be your friend unconditionally.

    I wanted to keep it loving and simple and leave it up to her if she wants to know TTATT

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Some good suggestions. I discovered that most JW's believe that you are leaving God & Christ when they hear you are no longer wanting to be a JW.

    Which is not true in most cases.

    We left because we wanted to remain loyal to God & Christ and not follow 8 men.

  • outofthelionsden

    thats exactly how it is Newly Enlightened they think god is only available to the watchtower

    we left because our conscience could not let us continue following 8 men blindly!!

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