Apostate Symposium 2013 San Diego District Convention

by problemaddict 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict

    Sorry I did not get audio. Too much going on around me that would give me away anyways. I think someone posted audio, but it is different from what I heard on some levels. So here you go.

    PLEASE NOTE: I did my best to not paraphrase but write verbatim when I could. I am NOT adjusting the phrases or words below. I am NOT paraphrasing with my own viewpoints. By and large with maybe minor instances, these are the exact words used in the talks. If I paraphrase my own thoughts, they will be in (...).

    It is alo of note that the chairman made sure to express that these were Bethel speakers from Brooklyn and Patterson. All the other talks for the most part were local elders and CO's. Minus Loesch, who was the GB member at our convention. He quite frankly was boring and said nothing of interest.

    Beware of Apostates: Satan

    Every year millions of cases of foor poisoning occur. These cause a great amount of sickness and yes even death. What is the leading cause? Contaminated food! How does the food become contaminated. ell sometimes by insufficient cooking, but many more times it is because the kitchen staff has ABANDON GOOD HYGENE. This is just like apostate reasoning, which causes spiritual sickness and death. They speak and lie against their former brothers, inciting rebelion. There are two sources of tainted thinking. Satan, and human apostates (as opposed to rabbit apostates?).

    What are their methods and how can we protect ourselves! First, Jesus identified Satan as the first apostate. (John 8:44) In John we see the identifying MARKS of apostacy. Satan shows his apostacy in three ways.

    1) He is a manslayer.

    2) The truth is not in him.

    3) He speaks only lies.

    Satan plants murdurous ideas in the hearts and minds of believers. For example, Eve. He told her she could be like God, planted that lie, and she in turn through her actions caused the death of millions!

    Satan did not stand fast as a servant of Jehovah. He is a traitor to the truth about Jehovah. He is so far gone in fact, that not even a SPECK of truth is left in him. The bible gives him his third marker. He is the father of the lie. The word Devil=slanderer, so every day all he does is try to subvery truth. He has contept of course for truth in a general way, but especially truth coming from Jehovah . (I found this idea of Satans contept for "general truth" to be kind of interesting.) All of HIS food is tainted, and creates "mental disease"! (2 Cor 11:3) Paul writes that as the serpant seduced Eve, so can our minds be corrupted from the sincerity due the Christ. He wants us to question what we ALREADY KNOW to be the truth.

    He has formed a league of disobedient angels, in an alliance with himself. Their soul purpose is to keep the world in darkness. They are on a mission to spread apostacy. Sometimes they attack God's people with violence, or bans on our work. We really need to be on guard against what the bible calls his "ploys", such as "flim-flamming". (This is the actual word used). His hallmark is lies, misrepresenting truth. One "flim-flam" he uses is peer pressure. Peer presure is really propoganda is it not? (Numbers 15:39)

    He plants ideas in our minds and hearts. Many have grown spiritually sick due to materialism thinking "I simply must have these things!". He also a ppeals to our pride. A certain amount of pride is healthy so that we may carry out our ministry, but Satan twists that "good pride" into us saying "I know better that Jehovah himself!".

    (Goes into general conclusion and introduces next part)

    Beware of Apostates: Human Apostates

    The CDC wrotes of food poisoning that it is "common.....yet preventable". If we knew a restaurant was toxic, we would have avoided it would we not have? Well friends, Satans kitchen is open for buisness and human apostates are his helpers in that kitchen! Ecoli, bochelism, and more......in the form of lies! Titus Chapter one says they are unruly. (1 John 2:19) They are certainly not of our sort! Apostates do not simply "drift away"...oh no! They "decide to go out". (Gen 3:15) Apostates are Satans seed.

    How do we identify them? They have been around a long time, but we can identify them through their prideful rejection of Jehovah, AND of divinely given authority. Yo can see their seething bitterness and jealousy.

    Now friends, how can we protect ourselves? Lets see what they have on the menu.

    First the Norovirus nachos. They reject God's service. (Luke 6:46) also (Acts 20:30) - "men will rise and speak twisted things".

    Next the Ecoli burger. They bring in destructive sects, and corruptible ideas. But make no mistake, they do so in a clandestine manner. Counterfits are supposed to look like the original are they not? So they appear to be the original, but they are not. They use the internet, the television media, even letters written to loyal ones! (I felt this was directed at those they still know to be within the org and try to get people to think by asking questions. It seemed prettty clear to me). They have an "A" from the health inspector in the window, but it is a forgery!

    Next is the Bochelism Salad with dressing (the dressing was another virus.....this was clearly meant to be the worst one). Rejecting those whom God has divinly approved with authority. (3 John 9). Diotrophese (sp?), was proud and wanted to be their leader! But Jesus said you have only one leader....the Christ (the irony made me chuckle). He rebeled against divine authority. Apostates lie to and use the media to insight hate!

    How do we protect ourselves?! (Rom 16:17) Avoid them! Never have them in your homes or even say a greeting to the evildoer.

    (The following is a direct quote). Here is a multiple choice question! "It is reasonable to conclude that lovers of Jehovah will...."

    a) Adamantly refuse to read their literature or their signs.

    b) Adamantly refuse to watch them on TV programs.

    c) Adamantly refuse to read their websites and post on their blogs

    d) All of the above.

    The answer friends is D! Why? Because we are loyal! NBow because we avoid their twisted thinking and their false claims, does it mean our faith is not strong enough to carry us through their attacks? Well the CDC says that out of all the yearly cases of food poisoning a year, 128K are hospitalized, and 3K die! If the CDC gave a warning, would we listen to it? Apostates are mentally diseased and are attempting to infect you, sometimes with even trace amounts of their sinister bacteria.

    We meet people in the ministry with different viewpoints, and we reach out to them to speak to them. we are not afraid of varying viewpoints. But Apostates want to manipulate minds and kill faith. They are puppets for their evil master, and are part of the anti-christ. (John 2:18) - "they are not of our sort".

    We thank the organization for these ispired warnings. (Deaut 32:46,47). Well, the spiritual health department has inspected Satans kitchen and given it a tripple "F", tripple "6", triple "minus". (audience giggles). And this warning comes not from the C-D-C, but from G-O-D (ohs and ahs from the audience). Let us never visit that lie filled, diseased restaurant, and risk spiritual death.


    NOTE: There was another part this day, abotu disfellowshipped family members. The talks were rather vague and not specific clearly on purpose. Loyalty to Jehovah was spoken of as obedience to the branch as though they were hand in hand more than I can remember in recent memory. Of course I have not been for a while. There were two Ironic quotes I wrote verbatim in subsaquent talks below.

    Ironic quote number 1 - "Jehovah is not dependant on anyone or anything. He makes this promise to you personally when he says I MYSELF, will help you."

    Ironic quote number 2 - "There is an ancient strategist that said 'If you know your enemy, and you know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a thousand battles.' How true that is!"

    Finally, one quick note on those that came to hold signs at the convention in San Diego. Stop with the Trinity stuff! It doesn't do anything at all. Stop with the smug attitude. It just confirms what they were told inside. Don't raise your voice to people rudely, it just makes them look the other way. Put the questions on the sign that can make someone think, not that tell them they are right. Yelling things like "show me 1914 in the bible", makes you as ignorant as those who insist on this date. Saying "JW's have multiple god's and are polytheists is Jesus is "a" god", is equally ridiculous and easy to defer in the mind. Just my 2 cents.

  • problemaddict

    In honor of a thread regarding grammar and spelling, I felt it appropriate to note that I did not proofread my post. In addition, I tried to edit and it was too late.

    Oh well!

  • lisaBObeesa

    I would like to record this talk...when does it happen in the program?

    ETA: never mind. found it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Norovirus nachos

    Ecoli burger

    Bochelism Salad



    Did they mention the WT's own False Date Jam?

  • Moses Unedited
    Moses Unedited

    This is what you get from an organization that doesn’t have any good ideas left. These kinds of sophomoric clichés are the kind of messaging that is given to small children, not rational adults.

    This is no doubt timed to coincide with the most recent Watchtower article dealing with the changes in the Faithful Slave doctrine. The teaching committee and the writing department know this is going to cause some skeptical head-scratching; in the same way the 1995 “Generation” change was put into print. They know that some ex-Witnesses will be bringing up the topic of the “Faithful Slave selection” to Witnesses at the doors. These kinds of talks only serve to reinforce and maintain the siege mentality that they’ve inculcated in their members.

    When the recent doctrinal change is brought up to Witnesses, most of them will reason: “Wow! The organization just reminded us about this danger! This criticism is coming from Satan. I’m so grateful for the spiritual armor the organization provides us!” In this way, the average Witness does not even have to give any thought to the points being raised. They can simply dismiss it as “apostate ideas”.

    When you read Steven Hassan’s book: “Combatting Cult Mind Control”, it is astounding how much of those tactics the Watchtower leadership uses on its members. As I wrote in another thread, the Watchtower is pretty much out of ideas. All of the old predictions and ideas of their “oracles” Russell, Rutherford, and Franz have failed miserably. They might be able to get some traction out of the 2034 date, but that’s 20 years off. They need to keep the members in control right now. The internet has done incredible damage to their ability to mold and shape reality, and it will only get worse for the Watchtower. This isn’t 1970 anymore. Members who have doubts can instantly begin to investigate their beliefs via the mobile device right there in their pocket.

    Google is a cult’s worst nightmare. How do they even begin to battle that? They put on grandiose and pompous symposiums where they beat their chests and childishly denounce all dissent with childish clichés and slogans. A very feeble, losing strategy indeed!

  • problemaddict

    I must say, this was an interesting experience. it was hard not to be angry. Micah used to say there was evidence they were chosen by God. People laughing at "satans restaurant gets a triple F", and smug giggleing at every mention of dangerous apostates.

    The drama featured a beginning where there was a news report of JW's being banned (presumably in the US), and some arrests made. The family was just beside themselves, and an elder knocks on their door and tells them the story of Queen Ester. Everyone clapps when Namaan gets his and his family and 500 people about to kill the Jews are slaughtered. Mordechi said they had to go after them and kill the rest or else "our victory will not be complete". The drama was so odd sounding.

    Don't e mail your disfellowshipped relatives was hit on again. Your loyalty is to God.

    But I looked around and nobody got it. It was a great assembly, proof they are on the right track. People from Bethel were out, 187 were baptized, 36K people, and I even met a guy who "came into the truth" from a District convention tract and subsaquent visit 5 years ago.

    I don't think 2014, 2034, any "change" in teaching, or revision of history is going to do anything to JW's. I am more resolved than ever, to turn my attention away from it completely, and to focus on my immediate family, and learning how to craft a proper life.

  • Oubliette

    The GB is apparently--or should I say, "Evidently!"--terrified that any of their followers might happen to hear or read anything from anyone that knows The Truth about "The Truth," (TTTATT).

    They're trying to insulate themselves the only way they know: Fear!

    • Don't reason
    • Don't use logic
    • Fail to provide evidence or proof for your assertions
    • And absolutely never address any of the actual arguments or criticisms of so-called "apostates"
    • Just indulge in name-calling ad hominem attacks on your enemies, compare them to Satan, and
    • Scare the crap out of your followers by comparing "apostate" ideas to food-poisoning

    Their methods are, in fact, yet further proof that the religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses is actually a high-control, manipulative cult.

  • designs

    Interesting about the picketers, they don't change much. They should hold up a sign that says- THOR is real ZEUS is false! At least its good for a laugh.

  • Londo111

    I am guessing that the picketers may not have been "apostates", but most likely evangelicals.

    Those not from a JW or a cult background just don't understand the mindset, and therefore will be counterproductive in their methods.

  • C.O.B.E.Beef

    Thanks for the intel...

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