The Mark of The Wild Beast, How Does One Receive It? 666

by Este 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Este

    This is the thread for Crazies!

    You post like your words really mean something to me....they do not.


  • poppers

    Give me an example where killing is acceptable...

    Are you really that dense, or just stupid?

  • garyneal

    What?! You've never been an Independent Fundamental Baptist! Therefore, you cannot possibly know the correct interpretation of scripture. All that nonsense about war. The true mark of the beast is a barcode that has been stamped or tattoed on your right hand or forehead (old light) a microchip containing your identity that has been inserted in your right hand. This is because the ancient language depicts 666 to mean the same thing as 'to prick.' As in to prick this microchip in your right hand or forehead.

    By the way, the wild beast whose mark you will be receiving is R-O-N-A-L-D W-I-L-S-O-N R-E-A-G-A-N because all three of his names has 6 letters (old light, because the man has now been dead for years) is a supercomputer in Belgium known as the B.E.A.S.T. (Belgian Electronic Accounting
    Surveillance Terminal
    ) which will have a complete record of every man, woman, and child on the planet. The numbers 666 means three sets of 6 numbers that will make each and every person's identity.

  • Larsinger58

    The 666-beast that comes out of the SEA represents Christendom and its trinity doctrine. The beast that comes out of the "earth" is the WTS' apostate Governing Body.

    The 666 beast's name reflects that it is a racist organization. The 666 converts to "KayKayKay." That means Christendom, which is considered the "white man's religion" would be known for its racist and white supremacist policies. Even now in America white Christians maintain separateness. So the "mark of the beast" in the hand means active practice of racism in regards to commerce. The mark in the forehead means believing racist policies, like "evolution" which represents the white man as the end of the evolutionary development, with claims that blacks and non-whites are closer to the ape than they are. There's a reason for "Affirmative Action." In the movie "Rising Sun" starring Sean Connery, Japanese industrialists claimed American politics was racist because though they had a policy against foreign ownership of television and radio, they allowed Canadians to purchase a network while forbidding Japanese to. So the mark of the beast has to do with the practice of racism in commerce, which favors white interests over non-white interests.

    That's the actual fulfillment of that.

  • mP


    mP: W orldwide B rotherhood W eb? Seriously, yes I am aware of the alternative 616. I just don't know why Revelation is used by so many people to make it fit somehow to the modern day. Thanks very much for your input.

    [Added:] "The things that must shortly take place"


    Its not an alternative, its the "original". Most people want to believe, they cant accept the simple facts about Rev for what it is. There is no prophecy, its just a rant written in code. After that to make it current, people twist and lie, and you know the rest it doesnt work becaues its wrong.

  • mP


    Why do you ignore the basic fact that 666 = Nero ?

  • Comatose

    Este is a little man with a Jesus complex. He likes to forget that gods people slaughtered woman and babies at his command. He cherry picks scriptures as a troll does. Este is a wimp though. A true representative of god a true slave would be crying his message in public. So Este I know you are too chicken, but I challenge you to take your message to the streets today. See how well it goes.

  • Terry

    You post like your words really mean something to me....they do not.

    Good, that means you understand how I feel about apocalyptic writings.

    Stop and think about the fact God hasn't even seen fit to preserve the accuracy of a so-called important number.

    For a couple of thousand years people have played detective pretending they "solved" the mystery of the beast only

    to find out they all name different people. The number isn't known and the "meaning" is whatever your imagination comes up with.

    Is that a profitable use of a person's time?

    Years and years ago a London newspaper stumped its crossword puzzle addicts with its Sunday puzzle. The Sunday puzzle was famous for

    being the most difficult to solve. Even the experts had to give up. Well, you guessed it; the reason nobody could solve it was an error in the typesetting department. Tens of thousands of puzzle-addicts wasted countless hours trying to solve a typographical error!

    Get it?

  • cantleave

    Great Album...

  • cantleave

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