This is better than a Convention

by cantleave 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SHIRLEY- I hear you. I use to fantasize running around the bases as a kid in the 1960's while being forced to sit through an 8 hour District convention program at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles in the hot sun ! It was sickening ! In reality I did get sick several times ! The only consolation I would get as a 8 to 10 year old was at lunch breal I'd get to suck down a grape snow cone which felt like " manna from heaven ". LOL ! Sometimes I wonder, seriously- how DID we survive our JW youth ? Amazing. Hope you're doing well Shirley ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ShirleyW

    Hey Flipper ! - Just got home from a busy day, still have some things to take care of, but if I canremember I'll send you a PM later on this evening.

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