What would you tell someone who wants to become a JW?

by slimboyfat 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Sure become one of Jehovahs Witnesses why not. They are a strict faith without a doubt and carry many rules. Have you ever met a faithful J.W.? They are well disciplined, loving, and kind. Jehovahs Witnesses make an effort to conform their lives to what the bible teaches whereas many other faiths don't even question whether or not a person is growing spiritually."

    Yep. They carry so many rules that many of them are man made! Sorta like the pharisees. Remember how well the gospel accounts spoke of the pharisees? Faithful JWs are indeed well disciplined. Programed, if you will to obey implicitly and never, ever question the teachings and beliefs that are handed down to them under fear of disfellowshipping. They are indeed loving so long as the Watchtower allows them to be. If you are ever disfellowshipped, they will show how much they "love" you by treating you as though you are dead. I get goose bumps just thinking of it! And they certainly are kind. Instead of volunteering to make the world a better place, they hand out magazines that make false predictions. Starving children don't need food. They need false promises! And they certainly do conform their lives to WHAT THEIR LEADERS TELL THEM THE BIBLE TEACHES. But they wouldn't dare try to conform their lives to THEIR OWN UNDERSTANDING of the bible. Their leaders tell them that is not allowed. Yes indeed. They "grow" spiritually by staying attached to the teet of the organization.....drinking its milk and believing what they are told to believe, instead of doing their own research and study and coming to their own independent conclusions.

    It's a spiritual paradise!

  • Este

    It's a spiritual paradise!

    Being spiritual means learning about GOD and trying to conform your lives to His requirements. There are many faithful people in various religious organizations. If a person is happy as one of Jehovahs Witnesses then let them be happy. If not they can find another teaching that pleases them. Either way the intent of the heart is righteous so GOD will acknowlege their efforts. By their fruits you will recognize them....


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I'd tell them that every single non-JW friendship and relationship they have currently, friend and family alike, is in serious jeopardy should they become a JW. Even JW friendships are contingent on them being a regular and active Witness for the remainder of their lives. Vacations and leaves of absences are not allowed in regards to being an active JW. You are expected to be preaching their word until you draw your last breath.

  • Dagney

    I'd tell them that every single non-JW friendship and relationship they have currently, friend and family alike, is in serious jeopardy should they become a JW. Even JW friendships are contingent on them being a regular and active Witness for the remainder of their lives. Vacations and leaves of absences are not allowed in regards to being an active JW. You are expected to be preaching their word until you draw your last breath.

    Yes, I think making it as personal as you can is important. How it will affect their life...it's just not like an innocent bible study, as JW's like to present, nor is it like joining the church down the street. The person can ose is life or everybody in it if they make a different/disapproved choice as a JW.

  • wasblind

    What would be the most important things you think someone should be aware about JWs if they are planning on getting baptised as a JW?


    Yes , I would make it as personal as I could

    I would inform the person how this religion

    thinks it would have been best for me to " Wait on the Kingdom" for a better day

    Based on Race, Blacks have been made to do things that should not be asked from anybody

    Let's take race out of the examples I give to make my point

    Rosa Parks: Here a woman was forced to give her seat up to a man. Where was common courtesy for this woman ???

    Greensboro Four : The Waitress claimed she could only serve patrons of the store. They show her thier reciepts from where

    they purchased their toiletries. Again, they were not allowed common courtesy to sit at the counter to enjoy a meal

    Littlerock Nine: No child should have had to face an angry mob, to access updated educational material

    that their own schools lacked. Becuase the state only gave out dated provisions to the schools in which they

    had to attend

    I would then Ask that Baptismal candidated

    Think of the things that they can enjoy today because folks

    refused to wait on the Kingdom to come


  • wasblind

    Then I would point out how this religion is a relic of the past that use slave terminology

    right out the slave masters playbook and still look down on education and the right to vote


  • outsmartthesystem

    Being spiritual means learning about GOD and trying to conform your lives to His requirements. There are many faithful people in various religious organizations. If a person is happy as one of Jehovahs Witnesses then let them be happy. If not they can find another teaching that pleases them. Either way the intent of the heart is righteous so GOD will acknowlege their efforts. By their fruits you will recognize them....

    There is a big difference between learning about God YOURSELF through personal examination and learning about what the Watchtower Society wants you to believe through study of articles written BY THEM, regarding THEIR interpretation of scripture, and using a bible that was translated to match their already entrenched belief system by a secret group. There is a difference between what God may require and what the Watchtower requires. There is a difference between religions and CULTS. The thread isn't about letting a Jehovah's Witness be happy. It is about what you would tell a person who is thinking about BECOMING a JW. By your logic if this person was thinking about joining Scientology or the Westboro Baptist Church.....a person should do nothing to discourage him/her. After all, the intent of the heart is what matters, no?

  • Pterist

    Enquire from him/her their motivation for such a commitment. I would then share my experiences of the org. and plant a seed of the simplicity of the gospel in accepting the free gift of life that God made available in a person, the risen Messiah, NOW, NOT a church or an any organisation or some time in the far future, like in the case of the Ethiopian eunuch.


  • flipper

    " What would you tell someone who wants to become a JW " ? I'd say " don't " . Then proceeed to tell them everything I know. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • talesin

    I would say,, "Cool, my family has been JW for over 100 years."

    Then I would proceed to tell them all I know about shunning, and the evolution of the 'rules' ... smoking // not smoking ... failed 'end of world' prophecies ... transplants are cannibalism // are not ... blood forbidden // now allowed ....

    oh, and the 2-witness rule re child sexual abuse is my zinger (and personal crusade) ~ it's worked with a couple of folks I have met.


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