NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!

by Newly Enlightened 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Steve_C

    I love this comment from the video: "Those elders never read 50 Shades Of The Song Of Solomon"

  • ilikecheese

    Did he say that Europeans have low standards? haha

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I'm gonna write a book now. Would be interesting to debate literature with window washers.

  • flipper

    A couple other things I noticed - check this out :

    NEWLY ENLIGHTENED : " So brother , you say you received letters of complaints about the book " ?

    ELDER's response : " No, no - I said we MIGHT get some letters of complaints on the book. "

    FLIPPER'S message to elder : " Then STFU you freaking moron ! If you haven't received letters of complaint then don't use that as a verbal weapon of power and control ! " How the hell does this elder know he'll get letters of complaint about the book ?

    Point # 2 I noticed - Brother Elder beefy cheeseburger sitting nearest the camera was VERY adamant and VERY nervous about allowing Brother of the Hawk to go back and apply Matt. 18 or Matt. 5 about making peace with his sisters ? In fact- the elder DISCOURAGED it saying " it wouldn't make any difference " ( which is absolute bull$hit, it would have made a HUGE difference. ) My take on WHY Brother Elder beefsteak didn't want Brother of the Hawk to go back and question the sisters who complained ? Because in the elders OWN WORDS he said he heard these complaints off to the side as a bystander catching the edge of the conversation ! So it may very well be that these " sisters " didn't complain or go to him, this ELDER may have interjected into their conversation becoming allegedly " concerned " and then never gave an opportunity for Matt. 18 to be applied because he was so eager beaver ready to annihilate Brother of the Hawk & Newly Enlightened anyway and make it a bigger issue than it needed to be. And if our Hawkman HAD gone back to talk to these sisters who knows - it may have contradicted what the elder had been saying when meeting with Newly Enlightened and Brother of the Hawk.

    My opinion ? Elder beefcakes has something against you folks. An axe to grind of some sort. You may not know WHAT about- but he's the type who would keep it to himself anyway. Very cowardly of him to NOT allow you folks to first, initially go to these sisters and apply Matt. 18. This elders a tool. That was diplomatic of you to apologize to them, but they didn't deserve an apology. They both deserved a swift kick in the groin. The one elder applied his own personal opinion to you instead of following Bible counsel at Matthew 18. If the C.O. brought this to his attention, he SHOULD be deleted as elder. But you and I both know he won't be deleted. Elders get away with a lOT more seedy stuff than rank & file publishers.

    Thanks for sharing with us all. I've seen these kind of meetings and been on the receiving end like you folks and it makes me want to spit up each time and hurl. You did great ! Good job. Take care hope to chat soon

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Knowing the MO, one thing that stinks is this:

    When talking to the wife about something she has done, they ask the husband to be there because HE is her head.

    So, OK, its good in this case that her husband is there to defend her, against two bible wealding morons, but from their point of view, he is her head, she doesnt have any rights.

  • Jeffro

    It is appalling that the elders would even imagine that someone should 'defend' the actions of fictional characters.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Typical elder crap. Bullys are cowards hiding behind their perceived power. They think they can spew some scriptural passage and force their weak, personal opinions on others.

    This video upload is awesome because it allows everyone to see how incompetent elders can be. To use Flippers description, Elder beefcakes would be humiliated at my own hand. I would have called him out on his weak attempts at creating fiction as an argument.

    Elders hate being wrong (corrected), and the best way to get into their heads is to correct them with kindness. It helps you because it gives them less reason to pounce on you when you're wrong. It also helps to know the scriptures better than they do, and the supreme reason for being Christlike.

    Any elder that is Christlike, I will not touch. The majority are my fodder. How can this be? You have to be smarter than them. This video proves that they can't reason very well and the task is not very challenging. I still do business with elders and exCOs and that is the contact that I have with them.

    I have humiliated elders, CO's, one DO and it was done with kindness. They were being Pharisaic, so it's their fault. Being argumentative is a bad strategy because it feeds their delusion that their role as authority figures is being challenged. Remember, they are not all bad shepherds, but the majority, sad to say, are what I refer to as spiritual cowards.

    I enjoy letting them know, "All your prayers to Jehovah will not spare you from accountability for your actions against his flock? His flock."

    My rant was in the hope of empowering those that have felt oppressed by elders who do not qualify to be elders.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering


    It's easy enough to say 'be smarter than them', but I just arent! And in confrontation or having to argue, my brain just refuses to work. Sure, after the event, I can come up with ALL sorts of argumentation/reasonings, but it's too late by then!

    I used to be an elder, I just went by the book and did what I was told (largely), but I HATED the judicial side of it all, I felt I shouldn't have been there, shouldn't have been privy to these deep personal aspects of people's lives that they'd confided to us or we'd had brought to our attention.

    And some of the problems were the type that needed COUNSELLING, proffessionals should've been involved, not just some idiots with a pre-written 'do more praying/service/study' mantra.

    I WISH I could run rings round the bullys, as was shown so very well in the OP video, but I'm just not that kind of person with that kind of brain!

  • slimboyfat

    Lol I wish more people recorded and uploaded videos like this.

    Truly ridicule is the best way to undermine the Watchtower, and they certainly provide plenty of material worthy of ridicule.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    @Captain Blithering

    Christ was always humble. You don't have to run rings round the bullys. Being bullys is their folly.

    If I picked on humble elders then that would make ME a bully. I refuse to be like them.

    I think you are the kind of elder I would have liked. I wish you well.

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