NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!

by Newly Enlightened 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nonjwspouse

    BOTHawk , did you have a good nannycam at the ready? Oh I hope so.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    nonjwspouse, sorry, because of NW's health problem and the one elder I did not know, ( we are beginning to think that he was the CO, because the other elder was my cousin by marriage, only introduced him as John, no last name no introduction as a elder just moved in, no nothing!! Just JOHN! hope I'm wrong, but hey what a way to go,executed by CO). Because we did not know him we did not allow them in the house. They know we cannot walk into a KH because of the health problem, which in itself poses a problem. But I will explain more when I sit down to write the follow up visit to this post.

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Love it! The video has had over 2,000 views now. I also know that a Non-JW friend of our kids watched it last night and could not believe it!

    JJ on JWStruggle has done an excellent article regarding the WTBT$ quoting from dubious/nefarious sources, please read it. of course he mentions our video at the end of his article and makes a really good point on how they quote from a book that is 10,000 times WORSE than mine.

    Great article JJ/Ray!!!

  • whathappened

    I watched the first part of this video and became ill.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    This is what happens when you have someone who is not trained or educated handling things like this, it is one BIG mess! I can't believe some of the craziness of this and coming from a man who wears a Viagra tie who can't see the hypocrisy of that. I will never go before a group of elders. So far we are scucessfully faded but if they should ask to meet with us I have already decided I would DA myself first. I would never put myself through their abuse and that is what these meetings are.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    You're right Aunt Fancy. f we would have known back then [2003] what we know NOW, we would have told them to get the hell out of our house!

  • Este

    Drink water out of your own cistern, and tricklings out of the midst of your own well. 16 Should your springs be scattered out of doors, [your] streams of water in the public squares themselves? 17 Let them prove to be for you alone, and not for strangers with you. 18 Let your water source prove to be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth, 19 a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat. Let her own breasts intoxicate you at all times. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly.

    Staying clean before the Eyes of GOD is a matter for christians to obide by. Let your conscious be your guide based upon what you read in the bible. We live in a world where sexual desire diminishes because of the body dying. The fact of the matter is old age is death, and humans were not intended to die but to live forever. So we have to deal with circumstances that take a Supreme Judge (Almighty GOD) to judge us upon and determine what is right. Marriage is the joining of man and women, but once you become married, you are only allowed to divorce based upon fornication or adultery. God does not require a marriage certificate. Did this couple sleep with anyone else after they were together? If not they were still married at least until one or the other slept with someone else. If you wrote a book based upon an account of two worldy people would it condemn you for writing about it? hmmmm


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Exactly. They were coming to me like I had done these things. It was FICTION, an imaginary story from my own little warped mind. Nothing else.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Which brings up another question.... If the WTBT$ is committing 'fornication' with the 'Wild Beast [U.N]' then don't we have the right to leave or 'divorce' them on that basis?

  • Este

    Which brings up another question.... If the WTBT$ is committing 'fornication' with the 'Wild Beast [U.N]' then don't we have the right to leave or 'divorce' them on that basis?

    Just walk away they have no authority over you. You are not married to the W.T.B.T.S. they have no husbandly right over the congregation. We all belong to GOD and Christ of course. Do they still teach that the United Nations is the wild beast? I do not agree that the U.N. is the wild beast so I don't feel I should address that one....


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