After 4 years..JWs knock on my door.

by Tylinbrando 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Scott77

    " My daughter was sexually abused by an Elder for many years. He is now in jail facing trial. I am currently dealing with litigation against Watchtower. I do not think it is appropriate that I engage in conversation with you."

    Those words were very powerful enough to move an elder to tear. Iam wondering whether those tears were genuine or Crocodile tears? Did he felt intensely and genuinelyremorseful about what happened to you?. I wish you had a hiden video camera to capture tha encounter for future evidence as may be needed.Thank you for stating that, "We are prepared. We are assertive. We are confident." Iam very sorry for what you gone through and best wishes in your success.


  • *lost*

    Tylin. You acted superbly, respect

  • steve2

    Hello Tylin,

    It can really shake you up to suddenly have the witnesses call on you after such a long spell. I have to hand it to you: As hurt as you are, you also come across as fair-minded and empathic - two qualities that, at some level, you knew were important in your comments to your JW visitors.

    At an emotional level, you may have got a short-term rush of relief if you had really turned on them verbally, but you'd probably would have also undermined your dignity and probably felt bad by turning on them. Besides, there's no way of knowing whether both men were elders. Perhaps they were. or perhaps only one of them was?

    And, at another level, these men are not personally to "blame" for the atrocious abuse your daughter suffered - so,it sounds as if even you recognized that the occasion called for a simple declaration on your part - honest hearted but also dignified.

  • still thinking
    still thinking handled that encounter with such dignity. Well done

  • Tylinbrando

    Steve you nailed it exactly. the encounter did shake me up because I had expected it would go much differently then it did. instead of some scripted rant I had imagined in my head many times the statements that came out of my mouth surprised me.

    I think in the back of my mind I am overthinking the visit and somewhat anxious that the Elders from the congo will organize and start a campaign of visits to my house seeking to deal with me in their judicial fashion.

    i really appreciate everyone's comments and perspective. You've helped me to accept that the words I chose were affective and right for the situation. Now if I can shake this feeling of looking over my shoulder every time I go outside that would be great!

  • Big Mama
    Big Mama

    Your words were perfect ----- they left you with your dignity and shocked them with the truth.

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