After 4 years..JWs knock on my door.

by Tylinbrando 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Tylinbrando

    It was last weekend. I was visited by 2 older JWs that appeared to be elders. First time in 4 years any of them have come to my door. I did not know them, I am in a new city.

    To my suprise(as they had no service bags or bibles in hand), they started on their Watchtower presentation and I placed my hand up and stated, " My daughter was sexually abused by an Elder for many years. He is now in jail facing trial. I am currently dealing with litigation against Watchtower. I do not think it is appropriate that I engage in conversation with you."

    Both men bowed their heads in what appeared to be complete disbelief. After an awkward silence, one of the men raised his head with tears in his eyes and said, "I am so sorry."
    They turned around and left and met with 4 or 5 others in their group across the street. They stayed there for 10 minutes talking amongst themselves in front of my neighbor's house. I had the feeling they may return to my door but instead they got in their parked cars and left the neighborhood.

    I always thought in my private moments that I would destroy the JWs if they showed up. I have so many issues I would love to unleash.

    Why are the words that came out of my mouth the only ones I could muster?

  • cofty

    I think you did really well to be firm and respectful. Well done.

    Wishing you well with the litigation.

  • AnneB

    IMO, what you said was exactly what you should have said.

    They "appeared" to be JW's, but were they? And no bookbags, literature, Bibles? Maybe it wasn't a field service visit but something else?

    You did well. Nothing you did or said can be used against you.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yea I can see why they left the neighborhood. You're likely freinds with the neighbors, and they aren't. The next door may not be as polite as you are. And that was a very good answer, but the presentation made it the best.

  • hamsterbait

    They were up to something.

    Usually elders will fly to the defence of the abuser.

    I think they were sent there hoping to provoke you into saying something the WT lawyers can use against you.



  • AudeSapere

    My response disappeared...

    Tylin wrote: Why are the words that came out of my mouth the only ones I could muster?

    I think your response was perfect. According to your account, the one man responded with tears in his eyes. If you had given an angry response, he would likely have given the non-sympathetic, defensive response that he was programmed to to give by Brooklyn.

    Instead, you touched the human side of this man and he responded as human. You let the the natural, compassionate personality come out.

    Sounds to me like you did great. Nice job.


  • Tylinbrando

    Anne, I did recognize one of the door knockers accross the street. He is often sitting at the new JW "table" on one of the main streets in town. Also, the older fellow giving the presentation pulled a Watchtower from his jacket pocket to begin his presentation. I was surprised because the Watchtower resembled a tract. I had not seen the new condensed version.

    My first inclination was not to answer the door. However, my garage door was open and I was hidden from their sight by the car as they made their way around the corner to the front door.

    I don't really know what compelled me to jump up from my stool and make my way to the front door. When I made my way through the house my wife asked me a question only a foot away from me. I swear I did not see or hear her and she told me later I had the eyes of a possessed man as I answered the door.

    Unfortunately, I keep replaying this whole episode over and over in my mind completely over thinking it. I wonder every day, when will they return fully loaded?

    I suppose time will tell.

  • Satanus

    Perhaps, words from a deeper part of you, instead of the surface vindictive mind.


  • AudeSapere

    Hamsterbait wrote: WHY NO BOOK BAGS OR BIBLES????

    My last few months in service I did not carry a bookbag, just a bible. I just could not peddle magazines that I thought were wrong.

    My dad often made RVs and shepharding calls with just a bible - and a compact one at that. He carried it in his pocket and took it out only when necessary. He felt that often the best shepharding was just to listen to people and let them talk. Then may close with parting scripture and a prayer.

    Lack of bible and bookbag can mean something good. Or it could have been a baiting. But maybe not.


  • Tylinbrando

    Aude, I was honestly moved when the wingman spoke to me with tears in his eyes. I wondered if he had personal experience with the issue. I felt I needed to say something but couldn't get anything out. We made eye contact for what seemed to be forever even though I know it was seconds. I expected them also to come back at me with something. Anything. Like, "Well you know that is just one isolated case....blah, blah, blah." But they said nothing! They simply turned around and left.

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