July KM - Jehovah's heart scanner in action

by respectful_observer 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watson

    St. George!! LOL.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I see a change to a more passive form of witnessing, but only if you're authorised by the Society. You couldn't just make your own stand and park yourself in a busy street mall without getting 'counselled' by the elders. Imagine if someone did make their own stand and start counting time? If they didn't stop it, they'd be dfd for 'not following organisational procedure".

  • trujw

    Soon they wil be able to post a sign in thier windows that say go to jw.org and count time for each car that drives by. Lol

  • WTWizard

    I would sure hate to work with those filthy angels. I can only hope Satan dumps those tables before they totally ruin the landscape--I do not want to be dodging all those tables every time I go to work. At least Wegmans, a growing supermarket chain with stores reaching New England through Virginia, is unlikely to tolerate having witlesses with those tables in their parking lot. Walmart, well that's another matter.

  • shopaholic


    I knew a pioneer that posted magazines to his rear passenger windows and counted his commute to work. The CO eventually ended that.

    How about Jehovah Witnesses that prop a magazine on their lap while on the train or bus then fall asleep, stare out the window or on their cell during their commute and count that as service time? They don't talk to anyone, just display the mag...easy 20 - 40 hours each month.

  • wasblind

    I thought Christ's disciples were supposed to take the action, knocking on doors, going house to house, seeking people out----not WAITING for people to approach THEM._____Minimus

    Exactly Minimus !!!!!!!

    Why do Jehovah's witnesses preach from house to house?

    " The message that the Witnesses proclaim involves the lives of people; they want to be care to miss no one."____Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 206

    LOL, The sense of urgency has certainly faded if Jehovah's Witnesses can now wait patiently in one spot

    and let folks pass by without a warnin'


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Jehovah's Heart Scanner, coming soon to a Kingdumb Haul near you... very soon now!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    If the message was that urgent, then why wouldn't they just broadcast it on TV and radio? When I lived in a cyclone prone area, approaching cyclones were broadcast on TV, the radio, and the internet. You couldn't miss the blasted thing, because the authorities wanted to make sure everyone was alright. Also, in my current neighbourhood, if something's going on a council sound car goes around broadcasting in the streets. So if the JW message is so urgent, why don't they do the same?

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