Freeminds 2.0 has launched

by Dogpatch 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5


    Thank you Randy.

  • besty

    great work randy - no fuss - no PR - no facebook - just get me?

  • Diest

    Randy a lot of heavy computer users are starting to use stand up desks, or desks that can be positioned to stand as well as sit.

  • Dogpatch

    Besty, what misery we would have saved each other if we got to it first. :-))

    and poor Sam! :-))

    Tell her I love her and the kids.


  • Dogpatch

    Hi Diest,

    I bought that setup years ago, but standing makes it much worse.

    I just need to get out and quit computing, and working with people hands on, and let my Secretary do the paperwork. He owes me $500 anyway. :-))


    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I hate computer work

    I can't type worth a damn (hunt and peck)

    I don't even like my cell phone.

    Give me a horse and a motorcycle and a Boss 429 Mustang


  • Terry

    Latte's at Starbucks are about 2.98. If you skip one every day you can pledge $1,087.70 to Free Minds to help Randy with his site.

    If anybody has proven to be reliable, dedicated and honest in his efforts to oppose the wrongs of the Watchtower Society as well as

    meet people's spiritual needs one on one it is Randy Watters!

    Randy has done the heavy lifting financially by dipping in to his own resources.

    (Quote Randy: I have been adding money ($2000) into Free Minds from my retirement funds the last three months. )

    I think any $ that could be sent to Free Minds would be money well invested in Freedom from Religious oppressions!

    End of sermon!

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks Terry :-))

    I'm actually in a good mood today, and I made a post on Grace's thread that upset her but it was a joke to cheer her up, so I have to go fix it now qwith another post. :-))


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Randy, for everything.

    As you know, it was the stories of Sherry, Nils and Terry in Freeminds that moved me.

    Thanks, too, for responding to my e-mails and pm!



  • Simon

    Good work Randy

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Randy, you and Simon are the digital Pioneers of sharing the Truth! How's the old body treating you, did you heal up from that nasty spill you took on your Bike? I wonder how you have doing so much when you fight against some of the health issues you mentioned?

    Randy, I might have missed this in your posts, I will check out your site latter and wish you much success. Your site compliments JWN, I like how well your last sight opperated and enjoyed reading hours of stories from big hitting ex-JWs with a real story to tell.

    Did the Organization cause you to gain a high level of Christianity, what religion do you currently go with and how would you help others to pick a church if they decided they would like to attend a group of Christ loving people who allow freedom to express different thoughts on the Bible? I have held your opinion in high regard for close to ten years, and I appreciate all the efforts you do for us!

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