Flip Flop - Can women be Ministerial Servants?

by Splash 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    Did some research on this and found some interesting WT statements:


    YES - WT50 4/15 p.122 par.9 (based on 'Dia'konos' in Rom 16:1; 1Tim 3:8-11)

    Only if there are not enough brothers - WT64 4/1 p.208 par.10 ('apparently')

    NO - km 1/76 p.5 par.2 ('evidently')

    NO - Awake! 77 8/8 "Women in the Pulpit" p.27 par.7 ('apparently')

    Unofficially - WT80 9/15 p.23 par.10 ('evidently')

    NO - WT81 3/15 "Female Ministers" p.18 ('obviously')

    NO - Insight Vol 2 (1988) P.635 'Phoebe'. ('evidently')

    Ignore the problematic text - WT05 1/15 "Follow the course of hospitality" par.5 p.23

    NO - WT07 1/15 "Women enjoy Fine Privileges" par.5 p.6


  • Iamallcool

    When I visited ASL deaf group years ago, there were no deaf brothers in the group, they felt intimidated by my presence, they did not really want me to visit and think about joining them, they said they can handle themselves. After I left the K-Hall, I was thinking to myself, they probably want to be MS and Elders. As to this day, it is still not a ASL congregation! Officially a group about 7 years ago. They are just dreaming.

  • zeb

    lets see splash comment announced and discussed ust at the next conv... likely?

  • Gayle

    maybe that will change again, since reports are coming through that not enough brothers are reaching out for M.S. now-a-days.

  • Splash


    At the conventions, sisters won't even be given an Attendants badge when they are officially attending in a hi-vis top.

    This is true even if they have been through the same training as the brothers, and might be even better qualified due to their secular work (eg nurses).


  • blondie

    Women did and do many duties only men do in most congregations. I was in one congregation where no elders/MS had the ability to do accounts well. So an elder's wife did it on the sly and her husband signed the report. As I was told, sisters have no official appointment or recognition like brothers do...but can still do the work. Sisters could conduct meetings but ask no auxiliary questions, just moderate, with a headcovering of course.

    It differs from congregation whether sisters could read at a book study group if there were no qualified male readers. Some elders conducted and read rather than have the words of the study book read by female lips. But women can read "God's words" from the bible.

  • Bobcat

    Concerning Romans 16:1, the BECNT-Romans commentary (Thomas R. Schreiner, p. 787) has this to say:

    Scholars debate, however, whether she held an office. On the one hand, the term diakonos may be generic, denoting various kinds of service and assistance. On the other hand, the term also designates an office (cf. Phil 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:8, 12; see also Ign. Eph. 2.1; Magn. 6.1). Is Paul commending Phoebe because she held the office of deacon, or because she served in a variety of unofficial ways in the church in Cenchreae? It is impossible to be sure, but for several reasons it is likely that she held the office of deacon. First, 1 Tim 3:11 probably identifies women as deacons. Second, the designation "deacon of the church in Cenchreae" suggests that Pheobe served in this special capacity, for this is the only occasion in which the term diakonos is linked with a particular local church. Third, the use of the masculine noun diakonos also suggests that the office is intended. Of course, we need to beware of reading into early church offices the full-fledged development that was realized later. But women deacons were probably appointed early, especially because other women needed assistance from those of their own sex in visitation, baptism, and other matters (cf. Pelagius [de Bruyn 1993: 151]) 4

    Footnote 4 reads:

    The office of deacon, however, must be distinguished from that of overseer/elder. One should not conclude from Pheobe's role as a deacon that she functioned as a leader of the congregation.

  • BluesBrother

    At meeings they cannot even translate into sign language without a covering on their head to show their subjection....so I do not foresee a liberalizing of the rules in that regard.

  • heathen

    I'm of the opinion that in the church women should be seen and not heard . The apostle paul seems to agree with that as well . I do like the idea of women showing modesty and wearing a head covering but not a full blown burka and also making sure the cleavage is covered in order to not distract the hormone crazed young men .

  • crazyblondeb

    heathen is just wanted to pick a fight!!

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