Jodie Arias 1st Degree Murder trial--have you been following it?

by FlyingHighNow 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    FHN - lol
    "Mormon-anal sex - Mormon - anal sex"!

    I knowwww. It's comical in a dark humor kind of way.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I wonder what Juan Martinez will say in the aggravation hearing today.

  • TD

    Mesa is a sister city here, so mildly interesting. --Verdict seems justified given the constantly changing story and the recovered camera images

  • Vidiot
    Band on the Run - "My concern was that HLN, esp. Nancy Grace, were stirring up a lynch mob to garner better ratings."

    Ugh... Nancy Grace; I like that woman only slightly more than I like Glenn Beck...

    ...and I like Glenn Beck only slightly more than I like swimming through raw, untreated sewage.

  • RubaDub
    ...and I like Glenn Beck only slightly more than I like swimming through raw, untreated sewage.

    Vidiot ...

    I would want to know how long the pool of untreated sewage was before I committed one way or the other.

    Rub a Dub

  • james_woods

    This thread has gone off topic.

  • Vidiot
    Rub a Dub - "I would want to know how long the pool of untreated sewage was before I committed one way or the other."

    Whatever turns your crank, pal.

    james_woods - "This thread has gone off topic."

    Yes, by gosh, that simply never happens here on JWN, Mr. thread-topic-police-officer, sir...

  • RubaDub
    This thread has gone off topic.

    James Woods ...

    Very true.

    To keep on topic, Vidiot should have said ... "and I like Glenn Beck and Jodie Arias only slightly more than I like swimming through raw, untreated sewage."

    Good catch.

    Rub a Dub

  • Vidiot

    Oh, fine.

    Jodie Arias yadda yadda yadda...

    Happy now?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    James Woods,

    This an ex-JW forum, not KH. You have no vote concerning the content of posts. The most that you can say is that in your view or in your opinion, this thread is off-topic. So what?

    I have never watched or listened to Glen Beck for more than a few fleeting minutes.

    Americans may find this hard to believe but there are rational conservative voices. One can even be an intellectual and remain conservative. Not bloodly likely but it does happen. Fox is not a center of modern conservative thought but an ultra right wing propoganda and ratings machine. I can't imagine any true conservative watching Fox.

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