The Swallows are here - nature is AMAAAAAAZING !!

by *lost* 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*

    This is probable my most favourite time of the year. May.woop woop

    Grass is growing, life is coming back after the death and greyness of winter.

    Them swallows are such amazing little birds. Every year they come back and have their babies, then them babies come back, then their babies, then yuo got a colony of them.

    The way they gather up wet mud to build their nests (the only time they land on the ground) and catch their food on the wing. is really amazing.

  • FadeToBlack

    They are one of my favorite birds too. I love to sit in the back yard when they are swarming and let them fly all around me. They seem to be having fun. So clumsy on the ground, so graceful in the air. Quite talkative when they want to be. Also interesting how they have the ability to land on the side of the house and perch there.

  • *lost*

    oh I know !!! and they fly all that way and back again every year.

    poor little bliters get a hard time of it off some folks, cos of all the poo, they knock their nests down

    I think we got 3 generations this year.

    Also seen deer down our back garden again, very rare sight that these days.

    Neighbour found a wild duck and her babies in his back garden.

  • Satanus

    So cool. I believe that they eat lots of mosquitos.


  • JamesThomas

    Nature, is an endless pool of exquisite, beauty and intelligence. It surrounds us from the farthest star, as well as inhabits every cell of our body. Yet, as wondrous as it all is, it all exists in, and is dependent upon the most intimate gift we naturally embrace: CONSCIOUNESS. The untouchable and indefinable magic that makes it all happen.

    If there is a God, a Source of all, it is CONSCIOUSNESS.

    The ONLY thing we can undeniably know: is that consciousness IS.

    Everything else may be a dream, and illusion.

    That said. Swallows, are amazing.

  • *lost*

    ummmm - not sure what you mean James.

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Lost,

    You were reflecting on Swallows, a manifestation of consciousness that our eyes see as a beautiful movement of form. Music in motion. Sweet taste in motion.

    Yet, what is it that gives us the wondrous ability to experience and appreciate such elegance?

    That, is what I was feebly attempting to point to.

    Loved your thoughts that motivated this thread.


  • JamesThomas

    Perhaps, what I am attempting to convey, is that when we feel in awe of beauty, no matter the form or sense, there is an opportunity to silently appreciate the intimate embrace of consciously Being.

    In other words: the sense of appreciation, wonder and beauty without...echoes back to an appreciation to the most intimate sense of our being and soul: conscious existence. Because without it, nothing would be.

    So, in a very special way, to appreciate a swallow, or a spider, or music, or the smell of a flower is to embrace our own true self.

    Sorry, I am trying to put in to words what is deeply and wordlessly felt. What is typed can not convey it.

  • Hortensia

    I watch the Canada geese around here. Right now the neighborhood is full of adult geese and their little goslings, so darn cute. They cruise around this property twice a day eating weeds out of the lawn.

  • cantleave

    Swallows and the closely related house martins are wonderful birds. I saw my first swallow of the year a couple of weeks back, but alas I have not seen any house martins or swifts yet, both of which are declining in numbers.

    Other migrants we see (or hear) less and less of inlude the cuckoos and skylarks, apparently like many once familiar birds their numbers are declining sharply. I think it is because we affecting insect populations with over use of synthetic insecticides like neo-nicotinoids.

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