How do you react when you happen upon the name jehovah

by jean-luc picard 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I find I am immediately suspiscious of the motive and beliefs etc of the person using it. Scholars rarely use it, preferring a more accurate rendering if they are talking about the God of the Israelites in the O.T, JW's overuse it out of total ignorance, and other religions usually have some sort of special agenda if they use it insterad of God or Lord.

    It just raises an alarm flag for me.

    Now, the other name that gets me a bit wound up is : "Kingdom Hall", I don't like seeing one, and you will never get me in one. Nasty little Cult centres.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I throw up in my mouth a little.


  • JeffJ

    It turns my stomach. Not the name itself but the power they give it. I have heard too many experiences on here where people were told by family members or former friends that they have left Jehovah. They will never accuse someone of leaving God or Jesus. That just infuriates me because it is code for the watchtower society and they don't even realize they are doing it. The name Jehovah is nothing more than a typo. They will never give it up though because the connotation is so much more than just God.

  • nonjwspouse

    Currently, I become tense with anger. It is due to the nature of the WT and the impications it might have on my life.

    Previously, I considered it just another Catholic monks interpretation of the YHWH. Interesting, but not a hardfast doctrinal rule of an overused keyword that demanded unquestioning obediance of some men in Brooklyn, as I now hear it.

  • Giordano

    As a witness I was embarrassed by the name......... it was just so lame, so cringe worthy. I always wished we had continued as the International Bible Students a name that stood for something.....they should have stayed with that. Christian Scientists is another name that is embarrassing. The folks that don't believe in modern medicine add scientist to their name. Scientology is another....... even more embarrassing then being a JW if that's possible.

  • LisaRose

    Stangely, the name is still a positive for me. I know God, in all likilyhood, does not exist, and if he does exist he not the all knowing, all seeing, father figure of the bible. I also know Jehovah is not the actual name indicated by the tetragram YHWH. Yet, the Watchtower has somehow not ruined the name for me. I am 13 years out of the cult, but I still somtimes pray to Jehovah. I cannot exlain why, but it is comforting to me.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Hi, Loubelle, hope youre feeling better.

    mP: I take your point . Its ( love that is ) just the first idea that comes to mind when we think of Jesus, like the game whats the first word that

    comes into your head?

    Giordano: I know what you mean.

    It seems like most of us dont consider it to be the illustrious name that we once used to: the days when we used to pronounce it Jehooooovah

  • mrsjones5

    I try not to react.

  • Ding

    I kind of think it's funny when other groups call God "Jehovah" because the WTS seems to think that it has exclusive rights to the name, sort of like a trademark... When other groups use the name, JWs seem taken aback. It just doesn't compute.

  • Watkins

    My favorite captain said: "So much for jdubs "honoring" his name. He's sure got a bad reputation based on how they live their lives."

    That was one of my very first thoughts when the ttatt bell rang for me - Look what they've done to Your Name! The wt's really drug it through the mud, haven't they.

    It used to make me angry --- then sad --- now indifferent. I don't use it anymore because I don't think it was ever God's name. Besides - The Name conveys much more than the spelling or pronunciation - it's God's character, what He stands for, that the wt dishonors. No, the wt's "Jehovah" evokes bad memories and I refuse to go there. When someone else goes there ---- what zed said.


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