New Explanation On United Nations Membership From Circuit Overseer.

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sayswho

    So if it was not wrong...why did they keep it secret from almost all JW'S ?---even to this day!

    Awake! December 8 (1990) p.24
    “Human governments have schemed to form the most brazen and defiant conspiracy against divine rule that has ever existed. (Compare Isaiah 8:11-13.) They have done so, not once, but twice, creating first the League of Nations and then the United Nations.”

    The Watchtower, September 1 (1987) p.20
    “The United Nations is actually a worldly confederacy against Jehovah God and his dedicated Witnesses on earth.”


  • JWB

    Sayswho, very good information!

    In answer to your question: "So if it was not wrong...why did they keep it secret from almost all JW'S ?---even to this day!" My opinion is that:

    (1) They can't bear to be seen as making a huge mistake (if indeed it was).

    (2) They will not apologise for anything - it might sort of dent their 'holy' image.

    (3) They are hypocites.

  • Sayswho

    The Purposes of the United Nations are:
    1)To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
    2) To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
    3)To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
    4) To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

    • They were members of an org that was/is in direct opposition to Jehovah!


  • Sayswho

    JWB...I have mention of this to few JWs and they dismissed it... one said we joined for humanitarian reasons! They do not seem to want to discuss it and have not mentioned it again, I asked them how this could be possible but get no answers.

    Of course if I keep talking about I will be labeled as someone causing contentions or division. So I just say very little and wait for an appropriate time.


  • Sayswho

    • So then, the principles and purposes of the United Nations is to establish global peace through human measures, and to establish that peace even if it means "removal of threats", "suppression of acts of aggression" and "give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes". This means nothing other than use of force to achieve the peace; this can lead to scuffles and fighting. Although the NGO is not a member of the United Nations, their requirement to support the ideals of the United Nations Charter means they must support these particular items.

    By their (GB) actions they are APOSTATES...they aligned themselves against Jehovah.


  • Sayswho

    The Watchtower, August 1 (1999) p.29
    ...Jehovah’s Witnesses are not involved in a war with anybody in the world. We’re not involved in the affairs of the world. We’re not involved in their wars, their politics. We are totally neutral.

    We are totally neutral. ----Neutral: not engaged on either side; specifically : not aligned with a political or ideological grouping...There must be another defintion.


  • Sayswho

    LIVING UP TO THE CRITERIA : to be supportive of the UN Charter and disseminate information regarding UN programmes and activities.

    Some Jehovah's Witness members will still question and ask: Where is the proof that they regularly disseminated information on United Nations activities?

    The proof is in the literature they printed during their time of membership. Below is a small sampling of the various articles they published which satisfied the UN/NGO criteria. You can view of some of these articles here:

    Awake! July 22 (2001) pp.3-5.................................................Helping Hands Are Everywhere
    Awake! January 8 (2000) pp.20-21........................................"Mothers With AIDS Face A Dilemma"
    Awake!: December 8, (2000), pp. 3-9................................... Series of Articles
    Awake! May 22 (1999) pp.4-9...............................................By the Sweat of Children
    Awake! January 8 (1999) p.13................................................Rights Without Responsibilities?
    Awake!: November 22, (1998), pp. 3-11 ............................. Series of Articles
    Awake! February 8 (1997) pp.14-17......................................When Land Turns Into Desert
    Awake!: April 22, (1996), pp. 4-7 ....................................... “Who Can Bring Lasting Peace?”
    The Watchtower: October 1, (1995) pp. 3-5 ...................... “Fifty Years of Frustrated Efforts”
    Awake! July 22 (1995) pp.4-8................................................Man's Fight Against Disasters
    Awake! May 8 (1994) pp.4-8.................................................Efforts to Save the Children
    Awake! February 22 (1993) pp.4-6........................................Children -- Assets or Liabilities?
    Awake! December 8 (1992) p.3-7 .........................................Small series of articles
    Awake!: September 8, (1991), pp. 3-4, 8-10 ....................... Small series of articles

    This list shows the Watchtower Society published these during their time of NGO registration, indeed, they fulfill the requirement to disseminate information regarding United Nations activities and programmes.


  • tenyearsafter

    I guess using his rationale, all JW's should be able to vote, participate in political events and hold office since the government MIGHT be able to protect the Brothers and further Kingdom interests...I wonder how well that line of reasoning would hold up in a JC?

  • jookbeard

    good exchange AA and a good simple bit of questioning to this elder, what a feeble stupid excuse though, sorry but that cant wash with me of the many that have exposed this, my last question would have been "why did they lie and about their membership?"

  • Simon

    So his logic is that they joined Satan's organization because the Satan-controlled organization provides good information via it's library and is also the thing that helps prevent human-rights abuses against the brothers?

    Wow, Satan must be really stupid. If he read the internet (that he's behind) more he'd know what they were up to,.

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