Skydiving/Parachuting. A disfellowship offense?

by stealthmode-brazil 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stealthmode-brazil

    blondie, so it's not a df offense. If I got caught, I would only not be used for "privileges" in the KH. That's what I understand from your article posted. So it's like a Witness joining the police.

  • neverscreamagain

    Jomavrick - "parachuting without a chute"?

    You mean plummetting! Well I guess you could try it once.

  • RubaDub

    stealthmode ...

    Yes, Blonide is correct. This is not a DF offense it you do it yourself, don't involve others and don't make a big issue out of it.

    First, unless you live in a small town, I don't know how anyone would find out. Second, 99% of the time the way it would get back to the elders would be you telling others and then it finds its way to them. If you just did your thing, enjoy it and keep your mouth closed, there is a very slim chance that anyone would ever know. Trust me, you will likely want to tell others and that's the way you could be revealed.

    Second, if an elder approached you about it, just have some statistics ready to show that it is no more dangerous than other sports when done in a safe manner using all safety precautions (as it really is ... you will find most injuries and deaths occur when more experienced jumpers get involved in group jumps and formations). The article Blondie pointed to even mentioned skateboards, inline skates, mountain bikes, etc. It's when you push theses activities to the limits is when injury is more likely to occur.

    You could then thank the elder for his concern and go about your business. As long as you appear humble, listen to the elder and appreciate his concern, the worst thing, IMO, would be that you lose any chance for "privledges." Other than that you should be good. Better yet, keep it to yourself and any non-JW friends.

    Rub a Dub

  • SophieG

    I skydived last year in the presence of an elder. Afterwards, called my favorite elder and giddyly told him about. Obnoxiously posted my dive video on Facebook and talked down all the JWs who tried to make a big deal out of it. I'm not Dfd....

    There ya go.

  • Jomavrick


    Way to stand up to the beast - without flinching!!! So how was it - was it the thrill of a lifetime?

  • SophieG

    Joma, I am "brazenly" obnoxious I guess!

    I had wanted to do it for years and finally just decided one day I was gonna go! BEST ADRENALINE RUSH EVER! I was high for days! Planning a group jump in a few months!

    ... If halo jumping wasn't too expensive I'd do it too

  • Jomavrick

    Wow, I have admiration for you. I don't know if I could do it. I love flying - a lot! But I have a horrible fear of heights and fear of falling. I would have no problem being in the plane but I think they would have to throw me out the window with my eyes closed!

  • SophieG

    Joma... I sent you a PM ;)

  • tif21

    Just do it enjoy life.

  • Jomavrick

    SophieG I sent you one back!

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