Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!

by time2keepmoving 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • talesin

    keynumber, welcome!

    you said,

    couldnt believe it, I assured him and mention that you should get all us df'd ones and at the kh, teach us df'd funeral jw protocal, well actually dont get me wrong after my "3rd stint" Im fully aware of this.

    Well, that gave me a good laugh. Boink!



  • keynumber

    I've just joined the site. and sorry that I don't keep within the "funeral topic"

    "make friends with unrighteous riches...." my first time dfd was a blow and emotional spiril. I was so determined to come back . got involved with drugs, immorallity and hung out with rif raf, not to say I was. I work in construction and always had good jobs and never without work. only what made me sad was i missed the organisation as i was hardwired, and the friends.

    a retired C.O. and another elder took a special interest in me. it was very encouraging. my reading and study habits were never a problem as it was part of my "genetics". even to this day I still enjoy reading Gods word.

    ultimately was reinstated and a very joyfull moment. to consider all i enjoyed about studying to learn, never really seen the reality of the irregularities in the jw organisation. I just wanted back.

    during the period comming back made friend w/a study of the C.O. and had his association. well after being reinstated I totally disregarded him because i had my mother brothers,sister and many established jws. he was very hurt and he told me.

    but thats not worst of it...I had many work connections, all types, every heathen you could think of but we all respected each other and passed leads. well as soon as i was rens. 99% had nothing to do with them, i recieved alot of work jw networks. great huh, secure huh well I was dfd a second time. no witness would call me unless they were desprete or on the way out. and the killer of it my "worldly" contacts said i changed and lost that so i was stuck, struggled w/medocre jobs, and it took along time to reconnect as they I'm sorry to say you have to have "break bread" with them. was back in the game.

    was reinstated the 2nd time only this time kept all my contacts. I was jew to jew and greek to greek, of course i had my boundrys. didnt loose the respect and contacts, not to mention my renewed (ones).

    well here we go again a 3rd time (you must wonder what is wrong with this guy!) the jw connection colapsed but i kept the friends of unrighteous and life carries on.

    of course theres more to the story to this.... "unrighteous righteous" are valueable and they'll take in good and bad season, whereas when involved with a religeous denomination as jws in respects to what i said you keep yourself in there control. this of course doesn't apply to all. realize we're all the same, every man women and child, no matter who what or are. in this respect the difference is our BELIEFS. AND ITS THIS THAT CAUSES ALL THE PAIN TO THE BEST OF US. KEYNUMBER

  • talesin

    Interesting conversation today ... I just got online here ...

    My worker who drives me places to do errands on Fridays, was telling me that one of her friends, who was a raised JW, and gay but not DF (successful fade), died last year.

    They had a JW memorial service for him at a funeral home. She said that she and her friends were shocked! There was no comfort, and no eulogy. There was no speaking of her friend, and 'who he was'. It was a half-hour infomercial for the religion. She was truly disgusted.

    I solidly agreed with her, and said "happy to know that the rest of the world can recognize the disturbing nature of this cult".

    Then, she went on to tell me that another of her friends (also a member of the local LGBT community) was raised as a Quaker. Initially, her family had a hard time with her sexual orientation, but it didn't take long for them to accept it, and she is not shunned by her family. I guess that things are 'not the same', but her parents are free to be close to her and there are no repercussions for that closeness. Now, I can't speak to "Quaker" values and practices, but in her words, the JWS were 'a lot stranger than the Quakers'.

    So, it's not just you, it's not just us ... any average person can see how disgusting these 'memorial services' are.



  • nugget

    I went to my uncle's funeral this week, my first non JW funeral since leaving. I have attended many JW funerals and was often dismayed at how little respect was given to the deceased. In contrast my Uncle's funeral service was truly moving and my Dad gave a lovely eulogy in which he described the day his brother was born and their early life together. He talked about how close they were and how truly special he was and how much he meant to him. The vicar was sensitive to the family and the hymns were appropriate, uplifting and moving.

    The best bit was meeting all my great cousins and extended family, and reminising about my Uncle and feeling how much they wanted to be there for him and my Dad. We all had a small wake with tea, sandwiches and cake and just talked. Funnily enough it was the first time the funeral service served a purpose and was cathartic we felt my Uncle had a good send off, we were there for him. We all had a chance to say goodbye and feel the loss and accept that there was nothing more we could do for him in this life.

    No JWs were in attendance

  • talesin

    nugget,,, I know exactly what you mean! I will never forget, going to my 'work friend's' funeral. It was RC. Someone played guitar and sang. They had a eulogy. Her son got up, and said such beautiful things about her - she was an awesome mom, and all at the telephone company loved her. Then, he said he wanted to read a note that someone at work gave his mom during her illness. He read a note I had given her. I was so overwhelmed, as I heard the words I had written. I loved her so, she helped me through a cancer problem, and wow ...

    Yeah, this experience will forever burn in your mind as how grief can be dealt with in a natural way ... and mourners can be comforted. Cathartic,, mm hmm,, and yes, a send off! :))

    I'm sorry for your loss... my two uncles that I was close to (never JWS) died in the past 8 months .. it is a great loss. I understand.

    t xoxo

  • keynumber

    Lois, magwitch, talesin and all you others.

    this is a new experience for me on jw.net...sad to say once you've been involved with the 'organisation' , its anexperience, sometimes very traumatic that will never really leave you. much like a nice tattoo in the beginning but turns out looking like you layed on a newspaper, horrible smudged and duffuclt to remove... I was born into the jws, did well in school , turned down a scholarship and spent 4 years in bethel. I'll add more to the story. it took me many years to figure this out and now i carry a 'two edged sword' I'll explain this later...thank you KEYNUMBER

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