Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!

by time2keepmoving 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    When my dub father died, I had my husband time how much of the "eulogy" actually focused on my father.

    Father - 10 minutes.

    WTS -- 35 minutes.

  • sir82
    mentioned 3 times in an hour an 1/2

    Good lord you had a 90 minute funeral talk?

    The WTS shpiel in a funeral talk is bad enough - but 90 minutes? The outline is only something like 30 minutes.

  • Magwitch

    Return of Parakeet...Father - 10 minutes.

    I would say that is very good for a witness funeral. Usually it is 5 minutes of how the person loved Jehovah, went to all the meeting, was out in field service regularly and maybe a mention of their birthdate and then the speaker is off and running with 40 minutes of the Infomercial.

  • nonjwspouse

    Twice I suggested to my husband that I attend a funeral of a JW, one an old neighbor of mine I knew long before my husband and didn't even know the family wre JWs. That time, my husband had not yet begun to study with the JWs ( though he ws born in and left for 30+ years) and kept discouraging me to do. He said strange things like "you wouldn't want to, it's not like other funerals, you would feel out of place". I shrugged it off and was a bit miffed and bewildered but I didn't go. Next was years later, after he began studying. I was going to go and barely knew the girl but the mother of the girl was my husbands mothers best friend. Except became sick right before andended up not going. This time he wanted me to go and came home praising the funeral telling me how many people were talking about the girl ( died of kidney failure awaiting a transplant... you know how that ends, no dr in town does the bloodless thing.....) She left behind two children and one awaiting to be adopted and a husband. He said there was lots of emotion and talking about her. VERY strange to me how he ws behaving the exact opposite from the previous time. The second time he was studying, and attending metings, conventions etc.

    The power of thought control......it's mind blowing.

    I now now it will be very rare for me to attend one of those JW funerals. It would have to be my husband's family member.

  • cognisonance

    I never thought about this (how the funeral talks are structured and given). It's more about the religion than it is about the person. Ugh.. that is upsetting! At the same time, despite the outline, I have been to funerals where the speaker was crying thru even the "preachy" parts on resurection and all. This religion is just a mess. So much pain and false hope. Not enough attention on individuals and humanness.

  • whathappened

    How sad. I wonder what this young man's life would have been if he were allowed to grow up in a normal family and not in a cult. It may have been different. He may have been encouraged to play sports or join the school band and would have made better friends. He's gone now.

  • sylvlef

    I feel sorry for this event.

    had the same thing for my grandma's funeral. The guy who did the speach did not even knew her, so 10 minutes before the begining he came in a Hurry and asked what was her name, name of her husband, how long were they married and when she got baptised. And, he used this information in the 1st phrase of his speach, then out he was for 30 minutes of WT commercial... This was a "joke" of funeral, but everyone in the family (but me) was waiting for this and took comfort that grandma's funeral was a "Christian" one...

    maybe the boy's mother was like this.she needed something to be that way.

    it is very sad though...

  • biometrics

    I've been to a JW funeral talk where the deceased person's name was only mentioned once in a hour long talk.

  • zeb

    Time 2 please receive my condolences.

  • jemba

    Such a sad story, these scumbags contributed to his messed up life then saw him out with a pathetic funeral. Disgusting, but sadly not uncommon.

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