New Reasoning Book?

by Julia Orwell 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Been thinking for some years now the Reasoning book is hopelessly outdated, what with all the changes they keep making and that. Do you think one will come out this year or next? Maybe this year, to really hammer the new fds thing?

  • unstopableravens

    the reasoning book was outdated when it first came out, the book has always been worthless, only good if your talking to a person who doesnt know why he believes what he believes, if your talking to a knowledgeable christian, the book is crap, anyways they might.

  • blondie

    We had a visiting CO list what he thought should be in our bookbags. I was the only one with a Reasoning book in my was bound into my NWT. Next he asked he had actually taken it out of our bag at the door. Then he demonstrated how to use it. I don't know if this was his idea or WTS programmed.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    This has been rumoured for some years now.

    Personally, I think in view of the regularity the WTS changes its mind, it really needs to be a 'loose leaf' version.


  • wasblind

    The Reasoning Book and the May 15, 1984 WT mag goes hand in hand

    and proves that it was not an overlapin' generation that would see the end

    " Before the last members of the generationtha was alive in 1914 will have passed of the scene, all things foretold will occur, including the " great tribulation" in which the present wicked world will end.______Reasoning book page 97

    ( 8 ) Last Days : " They believe that we are living in the last days of this wicked sysytem of things; that some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked world."____Reasoning book page 200

    " The present wicked system of things which extends worldwide, entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the great tribulation."______Reasoning book page 234

    " ( The " generation" that was alive at the beginning of fulfillment of the sign in 1914 is now well along in years. The time remaining must be very short. World conditions give every indication that this is the case."_______Reasoning book page 239

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses say that it was in 1914 that the "Last days" began ?

    " The year 1914 is marked by Bible prophecy. For details regarding the chronology, see pages 95-97, under the main heading " Dates". The correctness of the date is shown by the fact world conditions foretold to mark this time period have come to pass scince 1914 exactly as foretold. The facts set out above illustrates this"______Reasoning book page 239

    What is taught in theocartic ministry school ??????


    " What you need to do ? Speak in a manner that you are fully convinced of the truthfulness and importance of what you are saying. "____Theocratic ministry school book page 194

    " How is conviction manifested. The words that you use can do much to convey your convictions. Regarding the fulfillment of his words Jehovah at times inspired his prophets to make emphatic staements, such as, " It will without fail come true." When you refer to these prophecies, you might use similar langauge."_______Theocratic ministry school book page 195

    2014 commemorates 100 years of false prophecies

    Apostates. lets get this party started right

  • slimboyfat

    They are so used to writing purely puff pieces of nonsense these days, that actually updating the Reasoning book might be a bit of a challenging project for them to take on. If they do, it will probably be purely an updated edition, with necessary stuff fixed and stuff pasted from recdent magazines. They are really not in the habit of writing anything substantially new any more.

  • wasblind

    They are so used to writing purely puff pieces of nonsense these days, that actually updating the Reasoning book might be a bit of a challenging project for them to take on. If they do, it will probably be purely an updated edition, with necessary stuff fixed and stuff pasted from recdent magazines. They are really not in the habit of writing anything substantially new any more.____SBF

    I agree , everything they have has to be " Adjusted "



    1) NWT bible

    2) Comprehensive Concordance

    3) The Wt and AWAKE

    4) Reasoning from the scriptures book

    5) Proclaimers of God' Kingdom book

    6) Insight of the scritures book

    7) Wt publication index

    8) Wt library on CD rom____Theocratic ministry school book page 33

    These tools are useless to the Jehovah's Witness, But to us

    it serves as a testamony of recalled " spiritual " food from the FDS

    that they had to recall even before the expiration date


  • RubaDub
    it really needs to be a 'loose leaf' version.

    St George ...

    Loose leaf would be good.

    Or else in could all be done in pencil. Then you could obtain a Society-approved eraser to make the changes.

    Rub a Dub

  • cobaltcupcake

    They'll prolly come out with something new. Remember the old "Make Sure" book? They didn't revise that, they replaced it with the "Reasoning" book.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Maybe it'll be a guide to doubletalk, obfuscation, and outright deceit.

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