New Reasoning Book?

by Julia Orwell 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWOP

    I hope they don't come up with too much new stuff all at once, or I'll have to totally overhaul my JWOP website, LOL!

  • slimboyfat

    When are the going to release a new version of Reasoning With The Sisters, that's what we'd like to know.


    There is no one smart enough to write a new Reasoning Book. There will be no books, just the WT single page tract-a-zine. That will be printed at home by JW's to save the WTBTS money. The tract-a-zine will be studied on Sunday's, the only meeting left. The new projectors will be used to broadcast a meeting to all Congregations. Beth-hell heavies will conduct the WT study. On super-special occasions a GB member will give a 15 min talk before the WT study.

    Any dubs who are still left will answer directly from the paragraph or face immediate df'ing from the Elders. The Elders will be assisted in policing the KH by Jehu-bots. They DF kill all who disobey.

  • RayPublisher

    @ Wasblind - Great quotes from the Reasoning Book. It wouldbe interesting to compile all the "old light" in there that is clanking aroubnd in millions of book bags every day...

  • problemaddict

    I particularly like it when there is a quote from the 1800's trounced out with elipses (...), that you just KNOW is not quite right.

    I think that the GB has given up all hope of any meaningful apologetics.



    Good idea. I just told some jw friends the other day that we have to throw out all our old books now because of the new light. They all laughed uncomfortably. I can start a new thread. How about, " Destined for the Archives?" Or call it whatever you want. Anyone can start it. It would be nice to keep track of everything that should be thrown out after last year's annual meeting.

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