Special Assembly Day??

by DATA-DOG 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • westiebilly11

    too many meetings..really? far too many meetings..2 hrs Sunday,2 hrs thursday, w/t study and prep..public talk (take notes and 'review'),,Examine scriptures daily...personal study (?)....family evening study..cong book study...weekly bible study ...school meeting...items...ministry prep and involvement..C/O visits....Memorial...Assembly Days..Conventions....it just goes on and on..almost full scale mind and life control...never anytime to actually stand back and think!! study and more study and more study.......too many meetings?...you bet!

  • Gayle

    Just a few questions please? I have been out before there was a 'Special Assembly Day.' Are these at the Kingdom Hall or at Assembly Halls or somewhere else? These now are to attend just once a year, right? So, are there ever baptisms at these?

    Then, are Circuit Assemblies just once a year now or twice a year (as back when I was in.) And, the "Zone" meeting, how often is that now? Does that meeting depend on being in a certain country or is that 'now' done in every country. I hadn't heard of 'zone' meetings in U.S. before a couple years ago.

    paladin, thank you for comments. I hope you will share any notes from the "Zone" after meeting tomorrow, please?

  • paladin

    Gale, the SAD & the Zone meetings are held once a year at the hall and I have not seen any baptizims around here. I will post information on Monday.




    Interesting.. I too, am off tomorrow. mmmmmmmmm.... Which one of us is the mole? JK!!!!!

  • konceptual99

    DD there is a little PM for you...

  • cantleave

    Best of Luck Konceptual99 - I would hate to be in your shoes right now.

  • Incognito


    In this part of Canada, the Special Assembly Day replaces one of the two Circuit Assemblies so the SAD is either Saturday or Sunday with the other 1/2 of the circuit on the opposite day. The SAD as an Assembly for the circuit, is held at the Assembly Hall. Many JWs here, instead of calling it a SAD, refer to attending either their one or two day assembly even though most everything that is a departure from the regular JW routine is referred to as 'Special'.

    It's been so long since we attended a SAD that neither of us can recall if there was a Baptism held or not.

    I don't know anything about Zone meetings as we don't recall ever attending or hearing of one. I think that maybe something for the 'Princes' (Elders) as there seems to be 'Special' indoctrination meetings specifically for them.

    Recently, we have been made aware that there have been a few extra meetings held for only individual select members that were specifically invited, perhaps for those that may have recently been on the Pioneer list or attained some other status. Maybe these extra meetings are considered Zone meetings, I do not know. I do know that many of those invited feel that they have 'Special' status over those not invited and consider they are being provided with privileged information that shouldn't be shared with anyone not invited. So much for the entire brotherhood being all equal before Christ.



    Back at ya..

  • Honesty

    The only thing special about a Special assembly Day is the faithful and discreet slave.

  • zeb

    Ok boys and girls get out your old school atlas. Find Australia, good... find WesternAustralia. Now keep the page open. Put your finger on the city of Perth. Got that? Good.

    I recall a "special day" which was "linked -up to the bros n sis in Sydney" so we would all hear this vital information "at the same time". ?

    Now Sydney is 2 hours ahead of Perth so the bros were sitting around until we sat down? No. I asked of this and was told "actually it was recorded".

    So that was a lie.

    Many folk crossed large sections of this state to attend and paid out lots of money in petrol or air fares to attend and accomodation etc.

    I recall another "special talk" "Not to be missed" that was right on the heels of a 4 day convention. Why wasnt this included? and add the situation $$. Consider too after 4 days families had run out of clothes. Who denies this and i will show you someone without children.

    • Now .. There is a special meeting today attached to the sunday wt and talk (!) that my wife says will add an hour to the proceedings.
    • So nothing of the standard proceedings can be left out for this to be added in. This means one is 'more important' than the other.
    • This also means that once again there is nil consideration for those with violently opposed partners (notice they never say wives or husbands) who will cop it when they are late home.
    • This also shows again little consideration for the aged who sit through these things with pain.
    • and again no consideration for parents of little ones or the little ones.

    When my offspring were little i saw a programmed strategy that precluded children precluded tweens and teens and dropped a huge load of organisaing budget stretching, food preparation, costs on parents. Why so? So the chosen Elders could have their moment in the sun to drone on and on with their message that could have and should have delivered in half the time. Who ensured they used up their allocated time to the second. All of which abused sincerity and faith of the folk attending. A fearful example was a big conv where an ethnic conv attached had finished and all these ones spilled out into the main auditorium chattering away while 'our' speaker was going on. Did he stop and call for quiet? No. Did he finish off? no he had his moment and was going to use it.

    I have mentioned this before but how often did we hear talks that repeated just what was said before? How often i had wished i had the courage to shout out"For Gods' sake get to the point!"

    and why is it that speakers giving their first talk are expected to do so verbatim of some prepared given material? I have personal observation to that but that is for another time.

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