Sex before marriage would eliminate a lot of unhappy marriages in the Borg...

by sinis 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • sinis

    Sensible, safe sex, in my opinion, should be engaged in. Why? Because, as you get older and are ready to settle down, you will look at your potential sole mate, not for sexual reasons, but for what they have to offer mentally and if they are compatible. When religion restricts this, and yuo must marry to have sex, I believe that you doom a marriage at the outset, because these young folks marry out of lust, only to have the rose colored blinders pulled off later, and regret the entire arrangement...

    Mormons, and JW's, et al are all guilty of this. Met so many messed up marriages in these religions, whereas, on the outside, they tend not to be that bad - and if they are, they get divorced. Not in those religions, its for LIFE even if you don't love each other, only if someone takes the bullet and commits "adultry"...

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep


    I was talking to a Baptist that I work with about this. She feels you sould waite I think Hell NO!!!! Part of marriage is sexual compatability! You don't know till you check it out! I know for a fact I would never have married my ex if I had round to try it out. I had a miserable sex life! I "took the bullet" as you said and glad I did! Yes must agree sex I think is needed before marriage.

  • Pickler

    100% agree. Sexual compatibility is so important, but, I think even out of the JW this is not given enough consideration before marriage.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Sadly, what you just said is all too true.

    Marriage is an institution that was put in place primarily to protect children. However, a thing called the Oral Contraceptive (introduced over 50 years ago) kind of changed things somewhat!

    Stubbornly still trying to enforce laws in the 21st Century that were developed many millenia ago by some nomadic desert chieftans is a good recipe for disaster. So much for true happiness being possible only if you "do things God's way."


  • sd-7

    I'm not so sure it would work out that way. After all, some people might get married with the assumption that sex would continue after marriage, which it may, in fact, not. Some people may use sex as a recruitment tool, and then stop it altogether after marriage.

    It does make a certain logical sense to know if you're compatible in that regard, of course, beforehand, but the solution to avoiding an unhappy marriage encompasses a number of variables, sex just being one of them.


  • fulltimestudent

    the reality is that marriage is a bigger gamble than buying a lottery ticket.

  • Tameria2001

    I will admit that my husband and I had sex before we were married, but only after we were engaged to get married. The real reason behind us doing it was this. If we were going to be married until one of us kicked the bucket or "Armageddon" happened, we wanted to make sure that what happened after we were married, would be something we both would enjoy. Guess what, we never ended up pregnant before our wedding. Our first child was born two years after we were married. Our sex life is still very much alive, and very good, and we have been together 20 years now.

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I'm undecided on sex before marriage will eliminating unhappy marriages, but I like the idea of trying a bunch of prospects out to see who I'm most sexually compatable with, and marry the most sexual one. But my luck would be that they choose someone else when I got back to them after trying out the other contendies for my hand in marriage.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    sexual compatibility at the beginning of a relationship is no guarantee of compatibility after 20 years. there were a lot things i had never heard of when i was 20 that are common practice now. plus, libido changes over the years. still, i agree that people should engage in responsible sex before marriage

  • frankiespeakin

    All kidding aside sexual compatability is important and it would be good to find out before your married if you sexually fullfill each others needs. Like the guy could be a wam bam thank you mam type of guy or suffer from premature ejaculation what a bitch that would be to suffer with forever.

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