There is a Mole in Brooklyn

by Oubliette 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jim_TX

    I was thinking "Caddy Shack" but the idea is the same.

    Those were Gophers...

    Sandy: I want you to kill every gophers on the golf course!
    Carl Spackler: Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they’re gonna lock me up and throw away the key…
    Sandy: Not golfers, you great fool! Gophers! The *little* *brown*, *furry* *rodents* -!
    Carl Spackler: We can do that; we don’t even have to have a reason. All right, let’s do the same thing, but with gophers -!

    Love that movie.

    But yeah... I suppose they're about the same as moles...

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Just because this is 'supposed' to be insider information only doesn't mean outsiders can't get information out themselves.

    When I went to Selters (Germany) they would recycle bad prints (inconsistent ink, misaligned, ...) into bins, any visitor could easily pick up (and were always reprimanded for doing so) a magazine 2-3 months before release.

    These days everything sits on computer networks and those are increasingly connected to the Internet. SCADA networks are particularly insecure systems.

    I never should've had access to what I had access to and released when I left...

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    If the GB is that intent on "changing things before they are printed," why not just let them print it, so they'll be stuck with it?

    Why give them a heads up by "releasing info early" from a "mole"?

  • cantleave

    Cha Ching - the logistics required to make a change at this date would be unrealistic. The magazines are already printed and at the branches ready for distribution to the halls.

  • soft+gentle

    Chances are that bethelites all over the world already have this magazine in their possession (I am assuming that the articles cedars refers to are real and we will only know for sure once we can download them)

  • frankiespeakin

    Can Hackers get this information from the WT website?

  • suavojr

    Why should we act suprised? It is not the first time or the last time we will see faithful JW's wake up. Don't forget, bethel always produces the best WT APOSTATES

  • cedars


    It would be interesting for Cedars to comment on this, particularly if he's had any feedback from his source since he published his article.

    Cedars! Are you listening?

    Sorry, I have my hands rather full at the moment for reasons that should become obvious in an hour from now!

    All I can say is leaks happen for a variety of reasons, and the "mole" can be anywhere - not just in Brooklyn. Anyone who is trusted with sensitive material straight out of Brooklyn poses a threat. That's the wonderful thing about the Watchtower's collapsing shield of confidentiality. ANYONE is a suspect.


  • frankiespeakin

    It has to be a major cause of concern for the Governing Body with all the secret letters to elders and COs and DOs floating around on the internet. Defection of even fellow GB's is a possiblity as in the Raymond Franz fiasco. Many are trusted only wearily as the Governing Body seek more power over all in the organization, they are treading on very volatile ground, with many hurtles over issues authority with lower members in the pecking order. Looks like a real bumpy road for these old codgers.

  • SaritaJ

    As I understand it, foreing Bethels that do translation work get the English magazines from Brooklyn well in advance, so this leak could have come from any of the WTS Branches around the world.

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