Inquiry on GB 2.0 member - Did they get married?

by bats in the belfry 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dagney

    So did Cary Barber.

  • sir82

    How far would you go to get wife-of-a-CEO-style perks?

    Especially in an organization where the highest "official" title a woman can aspire to is "pioneer" or "missionary"?

    I probably shouldn't be so cynical, I know neither Jackson nor his fiancee.

    But I also supect that any GB member who wanted to get married wouldn't have to wait long, even if he looked like Quasimodo's uglier brother.

  • MeanMrMustard

    LOL, wha? Really? Goodness grief...

  • Magwitch

    I cannot believe parents would sacrifice their beautiful young daughter to this fate....SHAME ON THEM!!!!!

  • MeanMrMustard

    Is this April 1 joke?

  • out4good3

    If it weren't for both of their loyalty andveneration of the WTS, those two wouldn't have anything to do with each other and probably wouldn't even give each other the time of day. Other than meetings and service, what would the two of them possibly have to talk about?

    10 years from now, she'll definitely have to "deaden" her members as his will have long since it hasn't all ready.

    At a recent assembly I was dragged to attended with my wife, I saw a couple such as this. This ole guy had to have had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel and she looked and acted like she'd quit maturing at around 13. She was holding on to her "elder" hubby as if she'd just won the lottery while he was limping around with a cane.

    I couldn't help but think he must have a great pension and she was hedging her bets!!!!

  • Iamallcool

    out4good3, I do know one old very wealthy elder married a very pretty sister about 30 years difference, but 10 years later, he could not perform at all, then she had affair with another brother in the same congregation, both of them were df'd. She got reinstated but the another brother has not been reinstated yet as far as I know. She got a free brand new Mercedes and some pretty good amount of cash in the divorce proceedings.

  • Londo111

    Wow! What's his secret?

    Maybe the GB need to write a book: "Middle Aged Men Ask--How do I land a younger woman out of my league?"

  • sd-7

    Is this an April Fool's joke? Aw, you guys! Thank you, you thought of me!

    Seriously, though? For real? She actually looks a lot like someone I used to know, but that's definitely not her, she just has the generic, relatively young, I-would-probably-want-to-date-her-but-she's-probably-going-to-want-to-go-out-in-field-service-a-lot look. They'll be perfect for each other. Also, why is this our business again?

    Also, why did I not date more women? WTF is wrong with me????


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Oh're right slimboyfat!!! Not daughter, but grand daughter..

    She looks even younger then Hugh Heffs new wife. She'll be rolling him around and feeding baby food in no time......

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