I found out a JW friend of mine has an addiction to torturing animals!

by Vienna Angelika 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vienna Angelika
    Vienna Angelika

    He is in his 20's

  • Satanus

    He needs help. If enough switches in his mind get flipped, he could become a monster. Often, friends are the first to get wacked. You aren't qualified to help him. Its a job for a prefessional.


  • cptkirk

    you should really be more specific in regard to what this animal torture actually was

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    LOL, it's been a long day, but the thread title has me crackin up. Maybe I'm losing it. But LOL at "I just found my friend has an addiction to torturing animals!" Hilarious.

  • Honeybucket

    of mice and men situation or a jeffery Dahmer situation?

  • Satanus

    Could be overblown.


  • Vienna Angelika
    Vienna Angelika

    He likes animals being tortured. It doesnt matter what kind of torture, as long as it is painful, and they die. He sees them as useless unless they are beiing killed or hurt.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Wanting to and actually doing it are important distinctions, as are if he really meant it or was joking or just bullshitting.

    If he really means it then he needs professional help to evaluate his mental state, if he's actually done this then he needs reporting to the animal welfare or police etc. (and professional help)

  • headisspinning

    Vienna you have a PM.

  • new22day

    Animal torture IS a crime, and it's a key indicator that someone is a psychopath. Generally hurting animals is the gateway to hurting humans. You need to report this person to the humane society right away. I'd really consider if this is the kind of friend you want. He does not have empathy. He may be accepting because he doesn't care. I'd be nervous of him.

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