Anyone else celebrating the Memorial with just their families at home tonight?

by ohiocowboy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Would pita chips do?

  • tec

    Lol... I've used triscuits, because they don't have any yeast in them, Joshinaz.

    Happy for you and your partner, Ohio.

    I am going to the memorial service... for reasons I stated on previous threads. To proclaim Christ before men, to perhaps give another courage to listen to HIM, if they are hearing His call and want to choose Him... rather than listening to the men telling them that the life and spirit in Christ is not for them.

    Peace and love to you and to your partner,


  • ohiocowboy

    Good evening, Mrs. Shirley! Yes, tonight was a spiritual night for me, but especially so for my Partner as he is much more spiritual than I am at this point in time. Had I not been with him, it would have probably been much more simple for me. I thought that he would enjoy having a neat little tradition since he loves Jesus so much and it was something that we have never done together.

    Up til a couple years ago, I was really angry at God (And Jesus), but the more I thought about it, I realized that my anger was more directed at the Watchtower itself, so I have been trying to have a relationship with God and Jesus once again, even though I still have some doubts and questions at times. It's a long journey, and I still don't believe in "Religion" per se because of the damage the Watchtower and other religious Churches have caused, but my own spirituality within me consists of at least recognizing a higher being or beings, expressing thanks for the positive things I have been given in life (Including life itself!) and I try to follow my heart. Wherever that will lead me I don't know yet, but I figure that I can't really go wrong as long as long as I try to show love towards others and try to be helpful in any way I can. I can't see myself ever being "Religious" again, but I can see myself becoming more spiritual which entails showing the fruits of the spirit; Love, joy, peace. mildness, kindness, understanding, etc. Thank you for asking!

    Hi Scotsman, I'm glad that you and your Wife shared your spirituality with each other. The older I get, the more I realize that everything boils down to one thing, sharing with those we love.

    Thank you for the recipe, Newly enlightened! Mine was fairly close, but I added a touch of honey along with the unleavened wheat flour, olive oil and water. Instead of baking it, I kneaded it, rolled it very thin, pierced it with a fork and cooked it on a clean, flat, preheated hearth brick over a small fire until it started to turn brown. I tried it that way to get the feeling of what it was actually like to cook something in the same way they did it way back when. Besides that, anything to do with using fire is fun-lol

    Josh, Triscuits are a good alternative! I haven't had them in years though, but now I can't get my mind off of them. I will be forced to buy a box tomorrow-lol

    Hello, Mrs. Jones! Pita Chips are delicious, and I'm sure they would be fine for a Memorial experience! Personally, I believe that anything can be used as long as it is used in love and respect. Regarding Pita, My favorite use is to have it stuffed to the gills with Gyros and loads of Tzatziki sauce. I'm getting hungry now! Aldi has a big Gyros kit with all the fixings for a fairly reasonable price. It's probably no where near as good as a Greek Restaurant's Gyros, but it just may be worth a try. The only part that disturbs me is that they usually use Lamb meat, and when I do indulge, I have to keep that fact tucked way in the deep recesses of my mind...

    Sometimes I lovingly and jokingly call Dave my little Pita, PITA being an acronym for Pain In The A**-lol I just showed him what I typed and he said Nuh Uh and that I'm the real PITA. I guess we're the perfect pita pair...

    Tammy, I hope your evening went well, and that you were able to freely discuss glad tidings and your love for Christ to those who are receptive to hearing. Reading your past posts, I know that you choose to proclaim your love for him every day, and not just on the night of the Memorial.

    Thank you all very much for your comments!

  • talesin

    I know someone who is all alone in the hospital tonight,,, pls check your messages and call him.



  • Satanus

    That is really cool. Ceremony, authenticity and honesty are important to the spirit.


  • ohiocowboy

    Talesin, thank you for the PM, will call first thing! Hope you are well!

    Hello Satanus, we had a really nice evening making a new tradition. We are always trying to think of different ways to surprise each other, and it made him feel good that we both shared such an occasion. He was never a JW, but he knows my background very well, and knows how difficult it has been for me after leaving the Watchtower. He understands my reluctance and fear in anything having to do with religion, faith, etc. and is letting me proceed at my own pace with my beliefs without being judgemental while I search for answers. Cheers to you!

  • LouBelle

    I honestly forgot that it was even the memorial last night - the weather was horrible and I wouldn't be suprised if it kept people home. It was pouring buckets!

    I think what you and your partner did holds more meaning than the mindlessness of the JW clelebration and that is what is important - you made it personal.

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