The World is going to end...

by The Quiet One 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    It reminds of the epicureeans that Paul mentionen in one of his letters. Probably those were the most wise people mentioned in the new testament! Do you remeber Paus writing something like "Let's eat and drink...tomorrow we could be dead""?

  • Bobcat

    Quiet One:

    I wasn't necessarily recommending that you watch the movie. I was wondering if you ever had. The movie is about your question.

    The movie has a backdrop of the end of the world, but the focus is on two sisters. One who knows it is going to end. And the other who is hoping that it will not end. All the while being assured by her father that it will not end. But in the end his assurances fail. And then he deals with the end in his own way.

    I found the movie to be a fascinating take on human feelings and reactions to a possible cataclysm. The reviewers themselves may not have fully understood the movie. It almost takes a couple viewings to pick up on why the first sister (Kirsten Dunst of spiderman fame) acts as she does in the first half of the movie.

    The director intended it as somewhat of a mind-bender.

    Take Care

  • cobaltcupcake

    Ah, the cat people are afoot! I am one of you.


  • mouthy

    I am always alone. And yes I am lonely....I never know when my last day will come ,at 85 I am sure it might be soon

    But who ever I DO talk to,( My Sue exjw daughter calls every day or I call her ,our last words to each other is I LOVE YOU)

    I only wish that I could say that to my Jw kids,grandkids, greatgrandkids also, .But because of the hatred the Watchtower

    teaches I cant .....So the world is going to end AGAIN!!!!! I heard that in 1944,as I was being bombed in England,I heard that
    in 1965 when i joined the WT, I hear that every day from Some preachers, But I KNOW it is gonna end for Grace Gough

    One day!!!!!!!!!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You know mouthy, you could always just send each one of them a letter telling them that you love them. What they do with it is up to them. But you can still tell them.

    I'm so sorry you feel lonely.

  • mouthy

    still thinking I put money in their bank account each month
    Just to let them know I am still breathing. Once in a while she used to call & tell
    me not to do that.Hasnt done that for awhile now

    But I do what i like now. When I die she & my other daughter
    ( who is out of the JW) will split any money I have left.
    Yes being lonely is a pain....

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Hey Bobcat, I know you were not saying I should watch it, thanks for the thought anyway. I'm just in a dark place at the moment, I'm sorry if I sounded dismissive or rude in any way. MOUTHY-- You sound like a wonderful person and a hell of a character, I'm sorry you feel lonely.. All I can say is that your posts have really made me laugh at times, so thank you.. Also, that there seems to be no worse kind of loneliness than being trapped living with a family that has no idea how you feel, and sitting in K-hall feeling isolated in a crowd of people.. At least you have some freedom :)

  • mouthy

    Yes darling FREEDOM is a great gift.Thanks quiteone for letting me know I have given you a laugh

    on occasions .Makes me feel good to know not all think me evil

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Stillthinkings idea is excellent, if you feel up to doing that.. if I were you I would write 'i love you all dearly', or words to that effect on the envelope so that they'll have to read it, then pour your heart out in the letter. It would be good therapy if nothing else.. But then I'm going crazy, so don't listen to anything I say ;)

  • The Quiet One

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