FOUR FREEMASONS receive honorable mention in today's WT Study...

by Calebs Airplane 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • transhuman68

    LOL, that's not my problem. I had a look at the individual Wikipedia pages for each of these four gentlemen, and there was no mention of freemasonry there either.

  • talesin

    lol, nice backtrack....

  • mP

    Paragraph 17: John Bertram Phillips (1906-1982) - Freemason who held many anti-christian views. On page 28 of his book " Ring of Truth " he insists that the Bible is not entirely inspired by God, suggesting that men on earth basically filled in the blanks as they went along. Sound familiar?

    Whats wrong with being anti christian ? Christiniaty is the worst virus that has ever hit mankind. More people have died because of spreading the good news than any other man made calamity.

  • mP


    Example = Masonic Halls were used many times during the early years of the IBSA as well special notation of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.(Pyramidology)

    So the next time you go to a Kingdom Hall, think Masonic Hall, it will make you appreciate a bit more where this religion has its founding roots.


    And the temple in jerusalem points east like a woman with the morning sun entering her the entrance passage like a man.

  • slimboyfat

    Where is your evidence Phillips was a mason? And the others too for that matter, but it seems the most unlikely example.

    Why are you obsessed with Masons anyway?

  • talesin

    And the temple in jerusalem points east like a woman with the morning sun entering her the entrance passage like a man.

    Well, that's just plain weird.

  • talesin

    Lots of people were Masons. What's the big deal? My family were Oddfellows and Rebekas.

    Especially back at the time of the formation of the church, it was quite common for men to belong to the Masons.

    Edit: why are some of you getting all up in arms wanting PROOF? It's not like these men are being accused of being PEDOS, just FreeMasons.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    My ex husband was an oddfellow tal....the only person he is a danger to is himself...LOL

    And my father was a Mason...and so was my grandfather on my mothers side. didn't mean diddly squat in our lives. Except that when both my mothers parents died, they paid for the five childrens care in an anglican orphanage in India. If they hadn't done that they would have been begging on the street.

  • Finkelstein

    The IBSA has had a long association to the Freemasons, being that C T Russell was the head of this organization at one time,

    it only goes to show some relevance to the theological similarity between the two organizations as I pointed out.

    Egyptian symbolism is still seen in many older Masonic Halls to this day.

    Another point to note is Russell's adamant position of not creating another Church from his organization but distinguish his organization (WTS)

    apart from mainstream Christendom, which the WTS/JWs continued to follow along those similar lines of theology.

  • Finkelstein

    This undercover video shows the whacked out rituals the Freemasons go through to indoctrinate someone into their organization.

    In this organization they too present a concept that people outside of their organization are in darkness to the Divine light of what their organization has

    or represents. Sound familiar ? ( The JW organization supposedly too dispels divine light as well )

    Another case of opportunistic men playing power games to create something unique for and around themselves.

    What games men play when there's perceive power at hand .

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