FOUR FREEMASONS receive honorable mention in today's WT Study...

by Calebs Airplane 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Finkelstein

    Probably because the Freemasons don't have a Church type of an identity, if it did you can bet the WTS. wouldn't.

    For example the WTS. grew out the Adventists faith/preaching of the late 1800's, no mention of that historical acknowledgment .

    Maybe the WTS will veer back to Pyramidology now since this generation isn't working out for them.

  • *lost*


    It would certainly tie in with the illuminati conspiracy theories, free masons, secret societies etc. the real rulers of the world, the big boy money players at the top. Now the proverbial has hit the fan, a lot of them are going to start turning on each other, to protect their cash and assets/wealth.

    I could see how quite easily the wt org is a front for something else. also look at the high level of world wide criminal activity, drug and gun money there is flying around at the moment. money laundering etc. A number of big players, banks etc have been caught moneylaundering for the crims, that's where they, the government/banks old boys club coffers to pay big fat bonuses, the coffers were filled and pockets were lined with dirty money. Even the RC church is under investigation.

  • Finkelstein

    The corruption of the WTS. can really stand on its own without the adjoining help of a Illuminati conspiracy crap trap.

    The age of information is changing the game for the WTS. though and one can see that in many ways.

  • Balaamsass

    Interesting. Always facinated by the oldtimers fondness of Freemasons and Rosecrucians in the 50s and 60s.

  • whathappened

    The Watchtower is getting sloppier and sloppier with their study articles.

  • transhuman68
    That's right... 4 Freemasons are quoted with honorable mention in today's WT rag study...

    Is it right? Of course you can provide proof that all these people were Freemasons?

    None of those names are listed here....

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Thanx for the post! And Satanas, Thanx for the link!

    Too bad they didn't mention the Freemason background of these men in the WT article! That would have been AWESOME! My family would shite..

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Double post.......

  • FingersCrossed

    They (WTBS & Freemasons) are on the same side.

  • talesin

    transhuman, check your link - there is a disclaimer at the top ....

    This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it .


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