The reason they like to highlight the suffering of Jesus at the memorial

by Xanthippe 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe

    Yes it's true I did leave decades ago but that is the kind of memorial talk I heard every year until the late eighties. Fortunately at Easter time my little girl didn't have to listen to this story of bloody torture as I did. She simply had chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies to think about !

    Give me pagan fertility religions any day! Were they all about sex? Actually no they were mainly about food. They asked the gods and godesses to bless their crops and their animals. If your crops failed and your animals failed to produce offspring this year you and your family might die of starvation.

    These were people on the edge who were at the mercy of the weather and disease without knowing what controlled these forces. To be honest although science has taught us so much, to some extent it is the same for modern-day farmers except they don't ask the gods for help.

  • Xanthippe

    Happy Easter to everyone - lurve those fertility rites.

  • Apognophos

    Nooooo, Xanthippe, don't give in to the lure of those pagan fertility symbols! You heard what sir82 said, the talk doesn't focus on Jesus' suffering anymore... the religion is so different now! It's so warm and positive! Come back to us, Xanthippeeeeeee

  • Balaamsass

    I am certain 2014s talk will be different. A little less about Jesus..and MORE about the Governing Body and how they suffer for us....

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Where I was at, it was all First Adam, Last Adam, who partakes (no one in this room), who doesn't (everyone in this room) blah blah blah. No suffering, hardly any Jesus at all!

  • mP


    Dying is the opposite of rebirth and easter bunnies. Do have rebirth or ressurection you need a death. Jesus is the personification of spring time and the life spring brings. We dont appreciate it now but in the old days this was a great time of celebration after the cold and death of winter.

  • Xanthippe


    Yes that's what I love about this time of year, rebirth. Lambs in the fields, bulbs flowering in my garden and soon the trees will break into leaf and blossom. The pagans knew how to have a good time didn't they, everything connected to the seasons and their lives. They still do so I'm told although there is far too much going around 'sky-clad' for my liking! I celebrate the beauty of spring while knowing there is no chance of my family starving, well unless it snows again today and I can't get to the supermarket!

  • mP


    Easter is a replacement of Passover which replacement for the celebration of First Fruits. The fact they are all on the same date tells you its a festival of the start of Spring.

  • Pistoff


    "Jesus endured all of this. The least you can do is keep your hand out of your pants..."

    LOL, for sure.

    I AM THE ONE SUFFERING after hearing yet more blather about the faithful and discreet slave, GOD will they ever shut up about how hard they work for us, and how God is using them, and Jesus selected them, and we have to be loyal to them?

    What an annoying bunch of old guys they are.

  • Satanus

    Innocent looking furry bunnies. Pagan? Who knew? Its unlikely that they worship jay hoover.


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