The reason they like to highlight the suffering of Jesus at the memorial

by Xanthippe 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe

    is so they can then use it as an excuse to make the congregation work even harder.

    Surely if Jesus had six-inch nails hammered through his hands you can do more in field service.

    If Jesus could die of slow asphyxiation on the torture stake you can get to the convention even if you have four kids and two jobs or are 93 and nearly blind.

    You are letting Jesus down and making his agony count for nothing if you don't give until it hurts.

    This is why they talk about a man being tortured to death in graphic detail in front of little children as I once was at the Kingdon Hall. This is why I dreaded the Memorial.

  • Tater-T

    The same reason The Passion of The Christ out sold every other Christ movie by like a billion to one......

    It's a horror story.. he didn't just die for us .. he had to suffer too.. so it seem a bit more than a balancing of the scales.. but an instalation of fear..

    If it was a life for a life , why couldn't it have been a merciful death? how does the fear and horror balance the scales "better" ..

    JW's are not alone in this tale of Horror

  • designs

    It does seem to take on a twisted version of the satirical version of This Is Your Life, the one done by Sid Ceasar on Your Show Of Shows.

  • lriddle80

    I thought it was to trick everyone into thinking they were a regular christian religion, so they can ease into it and then they can hit them with the weird stuff later!

  • Violia

    It has been my experience that over the years they talk less and less about the suffering of Christ. To talk about the passion of Christ would make them too much like other religions and of course JW's won't have any of that. Anything to be different.

    In the 80's there was an amazing tape going around called " the Trial of Jesus" it was a two part tape and I never knew who did it but it was rumored to be an unofficial tape -not authorized by the GB. It was excellent and I am sure if I looked I could find it. We enjoyed the talk so much. You won't hear that at the kH. Since I thought of this I think we will look for it and listen to it . Much better than attending the KH.

  • Violia


  • ablebodiedman

    The reason I dreaded the Memorial Service inside a Kingdom Hall was because I was afraid that Jesus Christ might come back and find me there:



    and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.

    Did not want to be eating and drinking with the confirmed drunkards!


  • mP

    The suffering is to divert attention how absurd the whole ceremony is. Jesus had to die because his father requires a perfect man to die so he can forgive some humans. And considering the only perfect man after adam is jesus, he just condemned his only son to pain and suffering. WHy couldnt Jehovah simply forgive, why does he lower his standards to the superstituous ancients who believed a lot of other stupidities? Seems mighty strange...

  • sir82

    This year's talk has nothing even remotely so graphic.

    In fact, I can't remember anything even approaching what you describe for decades.

    You must have been out for many decades now.

  • Vidiot

    "Jesus endured all of this. The least you can do is keep your hand out of your pants..."

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