Jesus didn't care about chronologies and bible knowledge--why should we?

by humbled 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mP


    Very simple. Bread represents the physical body of Christ. Unleavened bread represents a body without sin. Leavened bread represents a sinful body. It's that simple.


    Not quite. Bread represents the product of the growing season. Just like the ancients weighed the season , they also felt that people would be judged in death for the produce of their life. The harvest season is also the time of judgment in the zodiac(libra the scales), the day of atonement in jewish religion and so on. Harvest time signifies death in those cultures as they wait for winter.

  • tec

    Christ appears to the world as a "thief in the night" which means they don't know him or see him when he first arrives.

    No, it means they are not expecting Him.

    Mourning over the dead messiah is consistent with them seeing him before he repents from his spiritual death and lifestyle, so here "tribes of the earth" apparently has the limited and specific interpretastion as a reference to the chosen and already gathered even before the messiah becomes the Christ. The messiah was born in January of 1950 which is when the "sign of the son of man" began to appear.

    The sign of the son of man does not begin to appear, lars.


    Nor does the sign of the son of man only appear to the 'elect'. That is exactly how you would GET people saying, he is here, he is there, listen to us, we know, come to us/me, etc.

    But we are told NOT to listen to anyone who says such a thing. He warned us ahead of time, and we already listened to one person saying that (wts).

    "At that time the sign of the son of man will appear (not will begin to appear) in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory."

    He would te bested for 40 years, during which time he does become spiritually dead, but all the while he is watched by the "eagles" who surround his dead carcass until he repents and then becomes the messia on December 25, 1992.

    When Christ returns He also gathers those who belong to Him. . He will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and who are left will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. (1Thess 4:16 - 17) . If the sign of the son of man was your picture in a wt image, imposed as a black baby on the hand in the clouds... then how is this fulfilled, that we who belong to Him are caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air? And who are the dead in Christ who rose first? . There is also no point in a second time around to do the same things. (and Christ said the first time around that He came to bring not peace, but a sword... becasue truth has no peace with lies; and He came as the Truth; that is why people are divided, because some follow Truth and some follow lies) . I do not expect to convince you of anything. But I follow Christ. I hear Him. You cannot convince ME... because I would have to deny my Lord, to follow you... and I cannot do that. Even if one does not hear Him, everything He has ever warned us has been against doing something like that. Else why not listen to the wts and their invisible coming? Or anyone else who claims an invisible coming? No. Every eye will see Him. No one will have to believe someone who says... here he is; there he is. Someone, whose voice is that of a stranger; and teaching that snubbing chronology is something that will get Christ to snub them, is the teaching of a stranger, lars. . Peace to you, tammy

  • Pterist

    **** fine flour they should prove to be. They should be baked leavened, as first ripe fruits to Jehovah****

    Hats off to you Lars your prolific writing is only second to your entertainment value in a Garry Busey sort of way. However, the book of Hebrews shows that Jesus fulfilled ALL OT cerominal requirement and details first time round. It's obvious you welcome these challenges as it gives you a platform to propagate your perceived messiah-ship. Thank you for your courtesy responses, however, I will refrain from further rebuttals with you as it only giving you the oppurinity to push your agenda regardless of Biblical truths and topics being addressed on this forum.

    Shalom, you are in my prayers.

  • Comatose

    At first Lars was confusing to me and I read his posts trying to understand.

    Then he became amusing.

    Then I read about his cross dressing dancing.

    Then I started skipping his stuff as its so long and crazy.

    Now I'm just kind of disturbed by him.

  • mP

    I personally think Lars is having some fun. By using his intelligence and historical knowledge he is trying to demonstrate an impossible angle in a similar manner that xians have done thte same to create their theology. He knows he is wrong, but he has done grand effort presenting what appears to be almost valid.

  • Satanus

    If christ is as a thief in the night, then he should have his head blown off w a 12 gauge shotgun.


  • Satanus

    No more worries.


  • Larsinger58


    Not quite. Bread represents the product of the growing season. Just like the ancients weighed the season , they also felt that people would be judged in death for the produce of their life. The harvest season is also the time of judgment in the zodiac(libra the scales), the day of atonement in jewish religion and so on. Harvest time signifies death in those cultures as they wait for winter.


    Oh, so you are doing your own thinking. This is an odd position to take though, since the reference to Christ's body being represented by bread is a direct reference to the Lord's Supper. The bread he specifically said represented his body, and the wine his blood. So, thanks for the pagan history lesson.

    It is, interesting, however, that indeed, the seasons were important to the Jews and they went by the LUNI-SOLAR year so that the times of harvest would fall near their festivals. Even so, again, there were two wave offerings of first fruits, one on the 16th of Nisan and the other 49 days later on the day of Pentecost. Pentecost fulfills the 1335 days and is linked with the second coming. Since Christ returns in a physical body, that of the prodigal son, the wave offering of Pentecost is that of a regular loaf from the house that is baked with leaven. So Christ is not in a perfect body at the second coming. But the first wave offering is of the unleavened sheath and the entire week of Passover they eat unleavened bread, which signifies the sinless body of Christ.

    So per the Bible, Christ at the second coming is in an imperfect body and several other scriptures follow up and confirm this. Of strange note, the person chosen was someone who had a lot of sins and lived the life of the prodigal son, so the second coming characterizes the Christ as a "carcass" and the sign of the son of man that appears is that of a dead black child about to be awoke. All this relates to ME, of course, and my early life with the witnesses.

  • snare&racket

    Can't seem to see any flood damage.... Yet jesus did mention the flood right?

  • snare&racket

    Wow civilisations really got over that global flood really quickly huh...... Or,was jesus and the bible a little off?

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