Jesus didn't care about chronologies and bible knowledge--why should we?

by humbled 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • villagegirl

    humbled wrote This is understandable even without a diagram

    that even a child can grasp it.

    The Watchtowers volumes of books and

    complicated chronology were a way to stay away from the

    basic truth and message of the gospel

    and to lure us into believeing we had

    "special knowledge"

    that Christianity was about figuring out

    a complicated puzzle,

    instead of what it is, as Jesus described it.

    loving God with your whole heart and

    your neighbor as yourself.

    Neighbors as depicted in the parable

    of the good Samaritan, are anyone who

    is in need of our kindness.

    Jesus was appalled at the attitude of

    the very religious and legalistic who

    "strained at the gnat and swallowed the camel "

    Picking apart dates and sorting through minute details

    of chronology have nothing to do with

    Christianity or righteousness.

  • tec

    Well said.



  • Larsinger58
    PT: That is your opinion consistant with the WBTS FALSE understanding, the oil is Godly living, a spirit filled life that LITERALLY can NOT be shared. Do some research on what BEING AWAKE means SPIRITUALLY !

    The five wise virgins had the opportunity to share their extra oil with the foolish virgins but didn't. So I know your interprettaion is wrong. The lamp is God's word. The oil in the lamp is what makes the lamp burn and give light, thus interest in what the Bible says. Some only have interest in some of the things in the Bible, but that only takes you so far. But some are interested in all things in the Bible, including chronology, and that interest is what keeps the Bible showing the light to the true Christ. The foolish virgins had no interest in chronology and so their lamps could not show them to the wedding feast of the Christ. But the wise virgins did have interest in chronology and that allowed the Bible to show them to the true christ on time. But the wise virgins did not share this understanding with the foolish virgins; it was up to them to get this understanding later. Even so, they arrive too late.

    So in the chronology of the last days, since the 2nd coming occurred in 1992 and the workers were paid during the "last hour" that is the 12th hour, from the first to the last, when the 10 virgins represent the anointed of the WTS, they would be paid near the very end of the last hour, which would be in the Fall of 1998. So that is when the virgins heard the "call in the night" that the messiah had arrived! The wise virgins used their "extra oil" which was their curiosity and interest in chronology, prophetic patterns and prophetic parables. Prophetic patterns like the second wave offering being with leaven, meaning Christ's physical body at the 2nd coming would be in a sinful body. Or prophetic parables like the Rich Man and Lazarus, which shows the 2nd coming messiah not only as an imperfect man, but a former prostitute. So they were able to see who the true Christ was and get into the kingdom. But the other five foolish virgins were not paying attention to these things, so did not recognize the true Christ. But eventually they did get their lamps burning, meaning they eventually got the chronology right and applied the prophetic parables like the "prodigal son" to the Christ. This is precisely where we are now, how the foolish virgins are now realizing who the Christ is and getting the chronology right. But it is too late for them now. Their seats have been taken away.

    Now I know you have a different interpretation of this, so I'll just respect that and just say that I'm happy to share my interpretation of these things with you and the group. Each must be true to themselves and settle on what they believe to be the truth, not just because someone else has decided what is true.

    thanks and ciao

  • Pterist

    Lars**** If you sniff your nose up at it now, then Christ will sniff his nose up at you on JUDGMENT DAY*****

    Can you back this up with a scripture ?

    I can show that Chronology is NOT a CRITERA for judgement !

    Revelation 22

    14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood....

    NO CHRONOLOGY mentioned here just Gody living, so back up your statement with a scripture !

  • villagegirl

    Lars - why do you always miss the point ?

    Its about LOVE, God is LOVE, The fruit of

    the Holy Spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE,forebearance,

    kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control.

    The body of Christ is everyone who believes, no dates involved,

    no timelines, its all one to God and we are all one.

    Your complicated arguments are self-aggrandizement

    Repent Lars.

  • Pterist

    Lars ****Christ's physical body at the 2nd coming would be in a sinful body****

    This is ridiculous, and heretical. This is not even Christianity....Show a scripture, not your rambling words that go around in circles, show an exact scripture to back up your above statement !!!!

    Here is a scripture that shows YOU are so WRONG ...

    Hebrews 9

    he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

    Show me your scripture that says ...

    he will appear a second time, IN A SINFUL BODY ???

  • humbled

    Lars, at every critical moment when common folk wondered what to make of Jesus, he never ever gave them numbers.

    So the story goes in Lu.7:17 that John the Baptist didn't check his calendar to see if Jesus was the One:"And this report concerning him (Jesus) pervaded all Judea, and all the surrounding country. And John's disciples told him of all these things. And summoning two of his disciples, John sent to the Lord, saying, "Art thou the coming one? Or are we to expect another?"

    And having come to him, the men said, "John the Immerser sent us to thee, saying, 'Art thou the coming one? or are we to expect another?'"

    And in that hour he delivered many from diseases, and plagues and evil spirits; and he gave sight to many blind persons.

    And Jesus answering, said to them,"Go, tell John what you have seen and heard; the blind are made to see, the lame to walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, glad tidings are announced to the poor; and happy is he who is not stumbled at me."

    Once again, Jesus is so lame about saying who he is (just kidding, of course).

    He does stuff that little kids could "get". Dummies. Even women.

    If the main support for proving who is the Messiah is numbers, history and archeology the more obvious that such evidence can only cause you to do one thing:you just will have to shout louder. And you are obliged to read the next book and the next of a lot of people.

    Lars, If you were Jesus, wouldn't you be glad that people loved you for more than your superior bible knowledge? Look at the posts that others have made previously. Don't you see that they "get" the real message-the good news? It is about love.

    Lars, will the good news change with the 2nd coming? (sorry-that should be another post)


  • *lost*

    Village girl , humbled , pterist

    i found what you were saying very interesting, I need to find answers, why i am thinking these things. i need some advice. i don't know how to get it out of my head that they could be right.

    but im also understanding what you guys are saying. its about love. how you are and how you treat people. not how much you pray preach go to meetings study, etc. or try to tell everyone what they should be doing. ? what about the works of the flesh, the man of lawnessness. i want to try and find out if im on the right train of thought, to make sense of things.

    I believe in God, Jesus, his word the bible, and i want to learn more, of the proper things.



  • mP


    Why do I give any weight to second-hand Jesus stories? I have observed that there is a nub of reality at the base of most stories. So much so that the most pernicious lies are almost always built upon a fact, a truth.


    But how do you tell which is true and which is made up ? If you dont know which are actually true, then your using unscientific methods like bias to select which ones you like and which you dont appreciate.

    Stories is what has split Islam into the sunnis and shiite. One half has accepted some stories or hadiths and the other half accepts some others. For a long time they have been killing the other half because they have it wrong. Christianity had the same thing when the Catholics and Protestants.

    If this were medicine and the bottle is tampered and one tablet dipped in poison, the entire bottle is worthless. Even the Bible itself has stories about Jesus that are madeup. There is no resurrection in Mark without the addition, and there is no women in adultery in John which is another accepted addition.

  • Larsinger58
    Humbled: Lars, will the good news change with the 2nd coming? (sorry-that should be another post)

    Humbled. I hear what you are saying. But don't you read your Bible.

    I come not this time to bring peace, but a sword. I'm here to bring division. To separate the sheep from the goats. Have you not read this about Chrsit when he arrives. Or did you read that he comes to "shepherd the nations with an IRON ROD"? Did you not read that when Christ comes he will strike the nations with the long sword of his mouth? I'm here to make war and to clean up the threshing floor! I'm here to examine down to the minutest detail and cast out what does not belong in the kingdom.

    See, I can tell between an imitation Christian and a true Christian. A true Christian is interested in chronology and anything else that's in the Bible. If not, they certainly don't tell others it is unnecessary and to ignore it.

    This is about me choosing those who are going to be obedient and awake. Those who are focussed on kingdom issues. In the end, I will choose if I wish someone like you in the kingdom or not?

    I'm here to separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep hear my voice and follow. The goats buck against chronology.

    God has provided a specific means for salvation and you're ignoring it. The foolish virgins are the ones saying, "All we need is love, nothing more", but the wise virgins are saying, "Yes, we need love, but what about this chronology in the Bible? What about prophecy?" And guess what? Guess who gets into the kingdom? The wise virgins.

    The difference between the wise and foolish virgins is that "extra oil", those things that seem "extra" to most, who want to do just what they want to do and ignore everything else. I don't need people in the kingdom who have arrogantly decided what they want to do and what they want to ignore.

    This is why the "grapes of wrath" will be so abundant. Many will be rejected by me, because I can see they are not paying attention to what the Bible says, nor care what it says. So when you find later on that I've rejected you, then what will you say? "Yes, but I've done this in your name and that in your name!" And I will turn and say: "I don't know you. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!"

    See what I'm saying? You're bucking against the very thing that will save you. The goats don't want to hear what I have to say and even tell me to shut up and stop telling others. It's amazing.

    I need people in the kingdom who are interested in everything God has provided for salvation. Who are focussed and open to learn and eager to embrace the "extra things", eager to grow to spiritual maturity instead of holding on to the milk, so that when the meat comes along, it chokes them.

    Be hot or cold. Lukewarm will not get it.

    I'm here this time to find the pure wheat and to cast out the tares, the imitation Christians.

    People who don't know and don't want to know aren't going to make it.

    Now I'm very "good news" for some, the chosen, the awake. But I'm very bad news for the "goats" and the weeds in christianity who have decided for themselves how they want to worship without giving heed to what the Bible says.

    "Good news"? I come this time with a sword and a rod, not to bring peace, but division. Is that not what the Bible spoke about me?

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