Jehovah's Witnesses Shunning at it's very best! SHOCKING Jw.Org

by BlindersOff1 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Amos - I say this in a spirit of true love:

    I hope the avatar is not really a picture of you. The hair makes you look like a total asshole. Missed what you said as I was just looking at the hair.


  • steve2

    I've now watched at least one-half of this incredibly moving story [I will watch the second half but have left it for today because the entire account is just over 37 minutes]. I must say that this gentle, articulate and loving daughter's account of her attempts to reach her dying JW mother provides a sobering example of how utterly reprehensible the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are with the draconian reach of their shunning policies.

    I'd recommend that "newly interested" persons who are studying with Jehovah's Witnesses view this video because it is a nec essarily disturbing example of how this supposedly "only true religion" operates at the coal face, even at such emotionally demanding times as terminal illnesses.

    As for the woman's lips, they're not as distracting as I was lead to believe they would be, but I do think her facial features are reminiscent of the adorably attractive Angelina Jolie - which is not to diminish the power of this former witness's heartfelt account.

  • Finkelstein

    Don't know about you guys but I find this woman attractive.

    Her message is one that comes through sincere and heartfelt.

    But it does show how the shunning policy can effect very close family relationships, ones that have existed for decades

    and causing a great amount of emotional upheaval in people's lives.

  • Giordano

    minister amos come back as Andy the gentle caring wise one.

  • steve2

    I saw Amos's comments as an honest reflection of how the woman's physical appearance affected him. His comments were not offensive in terms of the conditions of posting guidelines. I guess they would qualify for borderline thoughtlessness though. I also think Amos reveals more about himself by stating he could not get passed her facial features, later offering excuse that it's what he does for a living. Hmmmm. Whatever his reasons, the woman's account shows she is a strong individual who could maintain a loving stance towards her mother despite the mother's cold shoulder. Regarding3 the mother's need to let her daughter know about her terminal status, perhaps she hoped it would convince her daughter that she (the mother) would remain resolute despite the twin hits of 1 having an "apostate" daughter and 2 a terminal illness. Sadly, some people measure their faith in terms of sheer legalism, whereas other's measure it in terms of loyalty to family ties. Personally,the daughter's outlook is closer my own approach to life: relationships matter much more than legalistic adherence to punitive policies. Little wonder the daughter left this heartless organization. Little wonder mother tried to get the last legalistic word in. Each by their own terms succeeded in being true to their values. Sad nonetheless.

  • Abaddon

    Can we have a little less misogyny please? You can take the boy out the cult, but you can't take the cult out of the boy...

    Maybe you would make comments like that if the person involved was a man... I doubt it, but I'll give you the maybe. Then you're just being unnecessarily rude.

    I think the most noticable thing about her face is the SADNESS in it; she looks like she wants to cry. Given her story it is pretty obvious why.

  • Abaddon


    Then why did you do what was unnatural and even disgusting, you twit?

    Hehehe, why is there no 'Like' button?

  • besty

    great video

  • Quandry

    How sad....the mother was a true blue obedient JW to the end....willing to shun her daughter, and grandchildren, not even leaving any item for the daughter. Cold...very cold....

    After going through this awful ordeal, I had hoped she'd join us here on the forum.

    However, the unkind comments about her lips....I hope she doesn't have to endure those in addition.....

  • ambersun

    I agree Quandry . It is such a shame that those horrible comments are on this thread. I wish they could be deleted just in case she reads them. As if she hasn't been through enough already!!

    I think she is really pretty and would love to have her looks!!

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