How exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies.

by mP 229 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mP


    dear mP...

    you said: "I will address your scriptures below and show how they fail."...

    how are you going to show me that God didn't forgive those sins? are you going to show me that Jesus, God the Son, isn't the One who forgave those sins? because that is my assertion that is what you are going to have to disprove.

    love michelle


    Again you completely avoid the statement that Jesus fufilled the law of Moses and start talking abiut something else.

    Can you not see how broken your beliefs are, You make statements that are lies, this is but one. The fact is Jesus is not found anywhere in the OT, making any statement that connects him to the OT is a lie.

    Jesus is only appears in the NT , and that is part of the riddle and lie. It would appear that GOd had a son according to the NT but he couldnt be bothered to tell us inthe OT.

  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    God is in the OT...the Holy Spirit has revealed by means of scripture that Jesus Christ is God the Son. The fact that this mystery hasn't been revealed to you personally doesn't make it a lie. the OT scriptures had to be opened or revealed to the apostles too.

    love michelle

  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    let me ask you understand how God fulfilled or enacted(to act out) the law of moses in forgiving the sins of the jews?

    love michelle

  • mP


    dear mP...

    let me ask you understand how God fulfilled or enacted(to act out) the law of moses in forgiving the sins of the jews?

    love michelle


    I know the Christian claim, and i have a reasonable knowledge of the Bible. I also know that the claim you are asserting is a modern invention that certainly does not exist in the OT.

    What you just claimed is prophecy not law, there is a very big difference. You cant fulfill a law that is a bunch of dont do this or do that if something else happens. THis is part of the problem, you are redefining words to make your claim fit. Thats called lying by everyone else.

  • mP


    dear mP...

    God is in the OT...the Holy Spirit has revealed by means of scripture that Jesus Christ is God the Son. love michelle


    I know the OT reasonably well. I also know that Jesus is not mentioned once, and that there are no prophecies about him there. I gave you link where i addressed just 4 that i selected and show how the claim they are prophecies is a lie.

    Click on my name and search topics i have started and try the last topic i created and read for yourself.


    The fact that this mystery hasn't been revealed to you personally doesn't make it a lie. the OT scriptures had to be opened or revealed to the apostles too.


    The muslims took the Bible and created the Koran with parts cut and pasted. Christianity is the same, thats why its full of the same nonsense as Islam. Are you saying that the jesus died for our sins is a now a personal revelation because you cant demonstrate my challenge from the BIble ? DO you realise how rediculous this all is ? First you claim its from the BIble then you cant find a single word to back this up from Moses. That makes that claim a lie.

  • jhine

    not read all the posts so sorry if duplicating , but it occured to me that the answer might be very simple . Jesus said that the law could be boiled down to two commandments . LOve the LOrd with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself . When He gave his perfect life on the cross for us , freely and out of love He brought those two commandments to life (and death ). Paul said that no greater love has a a man than that he should lay down his life for another man . Jesus also demonstrated perfect love for the Father in perfect obedience . The law in action !.

  • mP

    From: page 4 As I quoted from the Torah/ Law of Moses


    Gen 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."


    Given the text mentions a woman, when did Jesus fight or kick or bruise a woman ? When did a women hit , scratch whatever bruise him ? Where is jssus mentioned ? How does "HE" equate to jesus when jesus is never mentioned by name or by title (son of god) anywhere in the OT let alone Gensis.

    Please quote the scripture, otherwise apologise for lying.


    Genesis 3:15 is a quote from the “LAW of Moses” where Moses quotes God’s declaration to the serpent. As a Christian I believe, God was telling the serpent he would put “enmity” or hostility between the offspring of the serpent (natural men) and the offspring of the woman (Christ).

    Jesus wasn’t named in this declaration, this is a curse/sentence (legal). Satan “bruised” (or better translation is crushed) Christ’s heel at the cross. Christ bruised/crushed Satan’s head at the resurrection.


    Its interesting that you say "believe" which of course is an admission that you cant show the facts that your correct. I will again point out why this 3:15 is not about Jesus as you claim.

    - Jesus is not mentioned by name(1) or title(2). In fact the same is true of the entire OT. Why the big secret ?

    - Satan is not mentioned by name(3) or title(4).

    - None of the gospels mention Jesus heel on the cross(5) being hit or injuried in anyway by Satan. Why talk about an incident that never happens in any gospel ?

    - Satan is not mentioned, active or does not appear during the cruficition(6).

    - Where is Jesus referred to as the Woman anywhere in the BIble (7). TO accept this as valid i want a direct quote that says jesus is also the woman.

    - Where is Satan referenced at the resurrection ?(8)

    - Where does Jesus bruise anyone at or after the resurrection ? (9).

    - If Jesus is the woman, where does he have kids (10)?

    - Where does it say the serpent is natural men ?(11)

    Out of 11 points made by your christian belief i have shown each one is completely wrong. You cant back any of them from the bible.

    If God wants everyone to know why didnt he just say Jesus and Satan in the text, why the double imagery and secrecy. This of course is another untruth abotu this text. Let the text say what it says and dont twist it to mean something else. Face the facts the bible is not consistent and Jesus is not hidden in the OT. Just ask a Rabbi.

    I have already have given a more exact match to Gen 3:15, where the characters and the positions are a perfect match, but you failed to comment on this. Just look at any star chart and you will see its a perfect match on at least 5 points.

    BTW Go ask any Rabbi, and they will tell you the serpent is not the devil. No where in Genesis does Moses say it was. IT simply was a talking snake. If you continue reading the text, it tells you the snake was punished and lost his legs and had to slide along the ground. This of course only makes sense if it really was a snake who could fly. I wont elaborate more on this but there are other parts of Gensis where snakes fly etc.

  • mP


    not read all the posts so sorry if duplicating , but it occured to me that the answer might be very simple . Jesus said that the law could be boiled down to two commandments . LOve the LOrd with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself . When


    Where does Jesus say he is replacing the law ? He is summarising it. The love thy neighbour is from Lev 19:18.

    If we temporarily forget the story your referencing and look at his example its plain to see from his statements, actions and stories that Jesus respected the law and did not say he wished to replace it. Look at Mat 5:17 he says the law will last forever and does not need to be changed. Was Jesus lying here or was this simply compatible w/ the fact wanted the law to remain after he left.

  • jhine

    mp, didn't say that Jesus was replacing the law . Totally agree that He was summarising it onto those two commandments . Wasn't the original question how did He fulfil the law ? Just my suggestion as to how He fulfilled those two commands (the summary of the law ) in dying voluntarily for everyone .

    The HE in "He shall bruise your head " is the woman's offspring , it never says that the woman will bruise the head of Satan , only her offspring .

  • mP


    mp, didn't say that Jesus was replacing the law . Totally agree that He was summarising it onto those two commandments . Wasn't the original question how did He fulfil the law ? Just my suggestion as to how He fulfilled those two commands (the summary of the law ) in dying voluntarily for everyone .

    Where does the law say a perfect man is coming and required to end sacrifices ? No where, thats just made up. The NT is trying to hijack and supplant the old. The simple facts are there is no Jesus in the OT just as there is no Jehovah in the NT.


    The HE in "He shall bruise your head " is the woman's offspring , it never says that the woman will bruise the head of Satan , only her offspring .


    Sorry, but jesus never had any offspring and the OT never says we are his offspring or creation. That is pure invention of Christians who try and write Jesus into the OT when in reality hes simply not there.

    Gen also never says Satan it says the serpent. I have explained a much better match for this imagery. Unfortunately people dont want to accept whats in front of them.

    You might also want to get a star chart to verify yourself. The text below is of course nonsense but its troublesome that so many scriptures are zodiac influenced.

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