How exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies.

by mP 229 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    you said: "If a law is perfect and going to last forever then to say it will be altered significantly is a contradiction."...

    I didn't say it would be altered. the people of God will always have to walk in righteousness before a holy God. the decalogue that God gave to moses is perfect and will not be will stand forever. the other laws were mans (the priests) attempt to further define what a person has to do to walk in righteousness...

    paul did say that those ordinances that were against us were nailed to the cross.

    I don't know for sure but I doubt that God will require that a man style his hair in a certain way to be righteous.

    love michelle

  • myelaine

    the law doesn't say a perfect man will come along...the law says that a perfect sacrifice is required.

    Jesus was the perfect sacrifice ordained of God for the forgiveness of sins...for all in the world who would believe in Him.

    in the law the people had to believe that the perfect sacrifice that they brought would suffice to be forgiven by God too.

    love michelle

  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    you said: "Really so rape and slavery are righetous "...

    I think you are bearing false witness and judgeing men with evil intent. why do you so quickly jump to the conclusion that women taken into the protection of the victorious army were raped? An army steeped in the moral requirements of such a stringent law should be given more credit than you seem to be giving them.

    love michelle

  • mP


    the law doesn't say a perfect man will come along...the law says that a perfect sacrifice is required.

    Jesus was the perfect sacrifice ordained of God for the forgiveness of sins...for all in the world who would believe in Him.

    in the law the people had to believe that the perfect sacrifice that they brought would suffice to be forgiven by God too.

    love michelle


    In other words your just making this up. I asked where does it say Jesus fulfilled the law and you tell me everything else but quote moses.

    I guess ths is an admission that, that claim is a lie. We could continue and show the rest of the claim is also a lie. In fact the law of Moses bans human sacrifices so by that definition God could not accept jesus death.

  • mP

    dear mP...

    you said: "Really so rape and slavery are righetous "...

    I think you are bearing false witness and judgeing men with evil intent. why do you so quickly jump to the conclusion that women taken into the protection of the victorious army were raped? An army steeped in the moral requirements of such a stringent law should be given more credit than you seem to be giving them.

    love michelle


    I was talking about rape in wartimes. I was talking in times of peace, goto deu 22. If a virgin is raped by a man, he is required to pay her bride price to her father and then shes his.

    Do yourself a favour and do some research on whats really in the law. You will be disgusted and then you will realise its not from above but the product of ancient men. Every last word of it.

  • mP

    dear mP...

    you said: "If a law is perfect and going to last forever then to say it will be altered significantly is a contradiction."...


    I didn't say it would be altered. the people of God will always have to walk in righteousness before a holy God. the decalogue that God gave to moses is perfect and will not be will stand forever. the other laws were mans (the priests) attempt to further define what a person has to do to walk in righteousness...


    I never claimed you literally said it needed to change, im just stating that you claim jesus came to change and end the sacrifice arrangement which is an alteration of the system written by Moses. That is a change, to end that portion of Moses requirements is a change and that goes completely against the many statements that the law will remain forever.


    paul did say that those ordinances that were against us were nailed to the cross.


    So your taking the opinion of a man over the written word of God presented to Moses ? If your going to take Pauls opnion then its a free for all anybody can say anything.

    How could GOd forget to make this statement in the OT and why is he telling his prophets to say the law is perfect and will last forever ? Cant he get his act together ?


    I don't know for sure but I doubt that God will require that a man style his hair in a certain way to be righteous.


    Precisely how stupid is that. Rape and slavery is fine but god worries about beards and shaving ? Comeone surely you can see that is not from God. The same is true of the vast majority of the law. The concerns of the law show it for what it is.

  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    "how exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies"...

    Jesus is God the Son and He forgave the jewish people thereby enacting/fulfilling the law...judging the people in order that the written law would be put into effect...the law isn't self fulfilling. laws are broken every single day they are not enacted or fulfilled until the law breaker comes before a judge and a sentence is handed down...God the Son, Jesus as judge, forgave and did not hold the sins against the jews from sacrifice to sacrifice He aquitted them. Jesus said that the pharisees followed the law but forgot about the mercy that was provided by God in forgiveness of sins with the sacrifice.

    lev. 4:20, lev 4:26, lev 4:31, lev 4:35, lev 5:10, lev 5:13, lev 5:16, lev 5:18, lev 6:7, lev 19:22, numbers 14:19

    love michelle

    "Comeone surely you can see that is not from God. The same is true of the vast majority of the law. The concerns of the law show it for what it is."...from my post 2519: "the decalogue that God gave to moses is perfect and will not be will stand forever. the other laws were mans (the priests) attempt to further define what a person has to do to walk in righteousness"...mans laws are by no means perfect.

  • mP


    mP: "how exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies"...

    Jesus is God the Son and He forgave the jewish people thereby enacting/fulfilling the law...judging the people in order that the written law would be put into effect...the law isn't self fulfilling. laws are broken every single day they are not enacted or fulfilled until the law breaker comes before a judge and a sentence is handed down...God the Son, Jesus as judge, forgave and did not hold the sins against the jews from sacrifice to sacrifice He aquitted them . Jesus said that the pharisees followed the law but forgot about the mercy that was provided by God in forgiveness of sins with the sacrifice.


    Again you have made a series of statements telling me but not showing me where it says that in Moses writing.

    You are taking christian rationalisation and trying to make sense of the OT and jesus which is not there. The fact you cant show any quote from the OT shows the link is broken.

    Im not discussing what jesus said. I am discussing what Christians claim that Jseus forfilled the law of Moses, which you have again failed to show.

    I will address your scriptures below and show how they fail.

  • mP

    lev. 4:20, lev 4:26, lev 4:31, lev 4:35, lev 5:10, lev 5:13, lev 5:16, lev 5:18, lev 6:7, lev 19:22, numbers 14:19

    20 And he must do to the bull just as he did to the other bull of the sin offering. That is the way he will do to it; and the priest must make an atonement for them, and so it must be forgiven them. 21 And he must have the bull taken out to the outskirts of the camp and must burn it, just as he burned the first bull. It is a sin offering for the congregation. 26 6 And he will make all its fat smoke on the altar like the fat of the communion sacrifice; and the priest must make an atonement for him for his sin, and so it must be forgiven him.

    Where does that say jesus will come along ? Repeating to me the sacrifice laws none of which mention Jesus, son of God, he will come to die for our sins etc is a fail. Its talking about Bulls at no stage does it say a perfect man can come along and die and put an end to this. You need to look at what you quote and find any link to Jesus. Its lies to pretend that mentions jesus in anyway.

    Christians should stop saying Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses, because no where does it state a perfect man needs to die to stop the sacrifices.
  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    you said: "I will address your scriptures below and show how they fail."...

    how are you going to show me that God didn't forgive those sins? are you going to show me that Jesus, God the Son, isn't the One who forgave those sins? because that is my assertion, that is what you are going to have to disprove and show to be a fail.

    love michelle

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