Just my little story

by MinistryOfTruth 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I love 1984. It's my all-time favourite book. However, I never really made the connection between it and the WTS til 15 years after first reading it! For some reason I've been increasingly drawn to studying totalitarian regimes and cults, and wonder if it had to do with my subconscious trying to tell me something. People were amazed at how obsessive I became with leaders like Stalin, Warren Jeffs and the Kims in North Korea.

    And now I've made the connections after years of neutralising doubts with doublethink and crimestop. I'm starting to tell my family things done in the WT that I've kept from them for years as I was trying to win them over by making it seem benign. My parents are horrified at some of the practices that the WTS keeps from the public, such as the denigration of education. It's actually refreshing to tell them the truth after all these years without wracking my brain to try to couch things positively. The weight off the mind that comes from shedding indoctrination to feel guilt, and also the mental fatigue that comes from constant cognitive dissonance!

  • tiki

    You are young and you are free...........you go with what you want to do and what is right for you. Don't worry one little bit about religion and people - you just be you and go for your dreams..........some may work out, some may not........but you will never have to regret that some one else ruled your life unnecessarily because you were a victim of religiosity.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Welcome! I enjoyed your post and the questions you were asking yourself while 'in'.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome MinistryOfTruth, 1984 is a fantastic book, especially when you consider it was written in 1948 and published in 1949 before brainwashing during the Korean Conflict became well known. Sometimes I wonder if Orwell knew JWs back then.

    If you start to have problems with your JW family and friends in the future, you should read Steve Hassan's books, visit his website, and/or watch some of his videos.

    Best of Wishes in college and I hope that you have lots of responsible fun.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • MsD

    Good thing you have chosen to go to college! Good luck and don't get sucked back into it. Sometimes it can be difficult especially when your family are JW's.

  • FingersCrossed

    For every post posted by someone new here, it is a great joy! Welcome MinistryofTruth!!

  • krackers

    You have made a courageous decision...it's not easy when the rest of the family are all still witnesses. I envy you going to college - I wish I had left at a younger age, you have had a lucky escape (well not lucky - you obviously can think for yourself!). The world really is your oyster - don't let the JW's spoil your life because they will - there are no opportunities to make yourself a good life in that cult. Show your family that you don't suddenly become a bad person with no morals just because you have left - let your life show them - go to college get an education, a good well paid job so that you can be financially secure and lead a decent life. My JW family are still puzzled as to how I have left and am not on drugs/drinking, why I have well behaved polite children, a happy 16yr marriage to a 'worldly' man, a nice clean home and VERY luckily for me, as decent a job I can expect without a college education. BE HAPPY! Thanks for sharing your story.

  • smiddy


  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome. Glad you are not being shunned, and HOORAY for the college education!

  • MinistryOfTruth

    Thanks for all the support!

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