Is this how we want to be perceived?

by Joyzabel 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    Thank you OFC.

    "Lets make it our resolve to be nicer to one another."


    ps I didnt' mean to make this a thread about abuse, but just used that example to show how shallow jw's are! And worried that apostates are using the abuse issue as a tool of Satan's! lol

  • Yadirf


    I think most of the 'mean' ones have moved on to other forums ... at least this appears to be the case since early March.
    I know that you speak of Tina, for one. Because she's not here to reply to anything I could say about her, I will remain silent. However, you make her look like a Saint. Here you are, right now, back-stabbing. She's not here to defend herself, so you give her a good smack. That's very cowardly of you!


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Joyzabel

    We are here for many different reasons. Some are here to get support, some to give support, I would like to believe most for both reasons. I suppose there are a few here for devious reasons, but we can live with that.

    I have to apologize for being a softy, a Christian as many here are, and my interest chiefly is to help others. For years I went to the boring meetings only to encourage someone, highjacked a local needs talk or Bible highlights to say something real and supportive to people who were hurting.

    Yet on this forum we can talk to several hundreds if not thousands of hurting people by our comments on a thread. Our responses can up build or repel.

    I started here just over a year ago and it was scary. I had spoken to almost 10,000 people with district assembly talks but I really believe I was more ‘reluctant’ to post here and on H20 because of fear of “mean” people. So that’s my problem RIGHT! But it is the problem of others apparently.

    As Amazing said this is a much more peaceful place lately. While I hope some of those who have left will return, I desperately hope this remains a peaceful place for “lurkers” to speak up safely. I encourage them to speak up, take a chance and post, ignore those who seem “mean” and grow. The rest of us I hope will be understanding, loving and patient.
    That is the way I hope we are perceived.


  • bigboi
    I know that you speak of Tina, for one. Because she's not here to reply to anything I could say about her, I will remain silent. However, you make her look like a Saint. Here you are, right now, back-stabbing. She's not here to defend herself, so you give her a good smack. That's very cowardly of you!

    Who said anything about Tina?

  • Joyzabel

    pst jst2laws, are you using my computer again??? *saying it in a nice kind way, not at all trying to mean or anything* :o)

  • Xena
    A large number of the "intellectuals" arent around much either, in case you havent noticed...

    guess that all depends on who and what you consider intellectual refiners [:0]

  • SYN

    I for one enjoy jumping on and attacking mindless WTBTS doctrinal propogation! But if someone is sincere, I'm not going to punish them for it. Some people are merely operating logically on incorrect information, is all. Just because a computer is fed incorrect data, doesn't mean the computer is bad, it's the data that's bad! That's what most Dubs are suffering at the moment, a lapse of data accuracy (a very large, sustained lapse).

    Unfortunately the problem is not that simple, as the WTBTS mind-meme is significantly more complex than I am making out. Intermingled with other psychological traits, it is very difficult to isolate against it's natural background of mental noise, much like a brain tumour in the center of the medulla oblongata is inoperable simply because reaching it would mean the severing of so much nerve fiber the patient would die. This is the case for many Dubs - there entire mind has been replaced by this mental tumour, and if it were to be forcibly removed, they would die, mentally speaking.

    Nobody wants to die. This is the primary aspect of life, not wanting to die. All lifeforms display this attribute of trying to resist death, and so does the WTBTS meme. It is just as alive as it's hosts, but it isn't a simple parasite, i.e. it's not a case of one WTBTS organism per host. The WTBTS meme is larger and more distributed, and uses the links between people (the social connections) to propogate and install new sub-nodes in the virginal mental territory of children and new converts, and this is how it survives from day to day, because some of it's hosts are always busy dying.

    A fascinating topic, on which I could divulge at great length!

    THERE! Do I qualify as an 'intellectual' now?

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!


  • larc

    Do you remember what you were like when you were a Witness? I was tactful to the point of being evasive and even lieing. Fortunately, my father was a nonJW and was a very direct man, so I learned this style of speaking as well.
    I think the Witness emphasis on tact, and not stumbling each other creates a facade of pleasentness. Of course, behind this facade is a world of backbiting gossip. Now, when a Witness comes here they experience culture shock when people speak directly.

    To speak directly and describe wrong doing in the organization is not mean at all. Of course, to attack an individual poster or insult them is mean.

  • Farkel


    : As Amazing said this is a much more peaceful place lately

    These things go in cycles. After all, we're all nothing more than a big dysfunctional family.


  • patio34

    Tell your friend to come on in--the water's fine!

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