Rumor : Elders' meeting about pedophilia issues

by yalbmert99 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Yeah, don't they trust their own elders anymore not to post BOE letters on line?

    Keep us posted this may be interesting....

  • designs

    Very interested in the program, keep us informed.

  • yalbmert99

    I'll post what I'll find ....

  • cedars

    Can any elders on here confirm this? It would be interesting if true...


  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Only thing I can say is during our CO visit some months back, at the Friday meeting after the ministerial servants were dismissed, the CO went over an outline/letter he had "from mother" per his own words which was about pedophilia. I dont remember hardly any of the particulars except at one point he asked out loud in more of a statement kind of way, "we don't discourage ones in the congregation from going to the secular authorities, right brothers?" It was kinda weird because it was like he was playing cleanup over something that was previously misconstrued. At the same time the way he said it came off like he almost wanted to wink at us in a good ol boy way. Like, "right brothers?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I'm wondering if the quick meet the OP is referring to is a quick meeting held due to the info we already had here being late getting back to them, or maybe that country has legal peculiarities which called for an adjustment from what they'd previously been instructed.

  • Fading Begins
    Fading Begins

    This was an unusual meeting for our area. The elders school is always held in a centralized city (within a hundred and fifty kms of everyone, but this was held in a bigger city supposedly at the assembly hall. Some elders had to travel over 300 kms. MS were not invited, and it lasted almost 9 hours. Seemed pretty urgent.

    Was this just in Ottawa, Ontario? Anybody know of any other meetings held elsewhere?

  • earthfire

    Thanks for the heads up. Sounds very interesting.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Wow, if it is confirmed to be true and they didn't even allow mobile phones on during their meeting, that would really tells us something about the WT's trust in their elders and the overall state of the affairs in the congregations.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    The Watch Tower Society needs all day to indoctrinate Elders about pedophiles, I guess. Most people, like the worldly/normal people, these same Elders call on, would say, "What's the problem? Dial 911 and report it."

    Just Lois

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