Former Jehovah's Witnesses, will Jesus destroy all JW's when he comes to the Earth?

by Change Name 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Change Name
    Change Name

    What do you believe happens when one of Jehovah's Witnesses dies? Do they go to hell?

    What do you think? If you do not respond, does it mean that you are only looking to discredit and bash the JW's?

  • Change Name
  • tenyearsafter

    Change Name...

    I think when you start responding to questions from posters rather than doing "hit and run" posts with obviously "baiting" questions or statements, you will get more response back. Being a JW apologist is fine...being a troll who just posts provocative things is not cool.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I think it goes without saying that when JWs die they go to hell. They deny Jesus and so they burn appropriately.

  • Finkelstein

    What do you believe happens when one of Jehovah's Witnesses dies ? Do they go to hell ?

    No they die just anyone else, just like in the past and probably in the distant future.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    The same thing as happens to other people. They just does not exist anymore. They will be just as non-existant as they were before they were born.

  • recovering

    The Jehovahs witness organazation is a cult. They lie, promote false predictions, and are nothing more than a publishing corporation. I do not believe in hell so my answer to yourquestion is no. I want know how you respond to this question change name; How do you respond to the gb making predictions that never come true ie 1975, 1914 etc. How do you explain their joining the UN as an NGO ( especially after all the talk about it being a "disgusting harlot") Did not the biable not say "beware of false prophets" I challange you to respond to these questions change name. I guarentee you can not.

  • clarity

    Are you really looking for the truth?


    Or are you still trying to justify jwtruth?


    You do realize of course that "Christ is not your Mediator",

    according to jw doctrine. (Look it up..unless you don't care enough)


    If christ is not your mediator (men are) then when he comes...


    YOU are SCREWED!


    Frankly speaking you are trying to fix the unfixable. None of it

    makes any sense at all. Research research research!


  • flipper

    There IS no Jesus in heaven that will do anything to anybody. If Jesus existed he died like all 7 billion people on this planet will eventually of old age, natural causes, or untimely accidents, or ill health. That includes what will happen to Jehovah's Witnesses who are alive today, they will eventually ALL die like every other human who lives to about 80 years old or so. Give or take some years depending on circumstances and health. Period mark. End of discussion

  • cofty

    When a JW dies they cease to exist just the same as every other person who has ever lived.

    Do you remember what it was like before you were born? No. Well that's just what it will be like after you die. Nothing to fear.

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