companions and carers.

by zeb 12 Replies latest social family

  • zeb

    Yesterday i had the duty of care to take our feline companion of 20 years to the vet to be euthanized.

    I took a tin of his fav tuna and gave him a last meal at the vets to settle him as the needle and medication did its work.

    He died peacefully and in no pain. My wife and I buried him in the garden next to a another older moggie.

    I had the duty to email this sad news to the family who have largely grown up with him.

    I sat in my back room and cried bitterly. I will miss him terribley and his head rubbs him checking on me once I was in bed and all his ways.

    Sleep well..... time for another cry.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'm so sorry.

  • sabastious
  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Sending you a big hug! (((((((((((zeb))))))))))))


  • Chaserious

    So sorry.. I know how you feel. Just lost one suddenly a few months back. Every time my wife and I return home and he isn't there to eagerly greet us like he always was, I miss him. They are part of the family. Best to you and your wife in dealing with your loss.

  • clarity

    So sorry Zeb, ....they wiggle their way into our hearts, and

    when we lose them ... we realize how deeply they have dug in.



  • label licker
    label licker

    I am truly sorry for your loss. We never had children and our pets are our kids. I know how your feeling for in the past we've had to put down afew dogs (old age or sickness) and it never gets any easier. One is buried out by the ponds and the other is under the big old apple tree in the orchard. My heart goes out to you. I've never gone without an animal, for me it's a security thing letting me know there's someone out there that needs me besides my husband.

    If you were to ask my husband, my pets are the first to get their kisses of the day, their the first to get their breakfasts and walks. They are allowed to fart and burp and I think it's cute. They get away with so much. I feel soooo sorry for my husband but that's just the way it is.

    And after I'm done with the pets then I have to tend to the birds, chipmunks, coons, rabbits and squirrels that come every day and night for their little feedings. I hate death! I feel so bad for you

  • jamiebowers

    I'm so sorry, Zeb. I know how difficult it is, having lost several furry family member over the years. The way I get through the grief is knowing that one pet leaving this world leaves room for another animal that needs a good home.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I am sorry you lost your Friend today. Death, sucks.

    Just Lois

  • zeb

    I was brave and took a look here and I am warmed by your love shown.

    Big bugs to you all.

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