long time lurker (3-4 years) first time poster

by Patient-dude 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Patient-dude you would do a lot better for yourself and the supposed young people you are intent on saving by simple leaving the Borg and

    show a real healthy and wholesome lifestyle as role model of sorts.

    Maybe thats not your real intent to help young ones as you say, perhaps its more to power over them is a bit more honest.

    Power and a built up of your own personal stature is what your really looking for.

  • problemaddict

    Hey patient-dude. I once felt as you do now. That there was more I could do on the inside teaching what was in accord with my conscience, and trying to affect posative change from the inside. I found it to be a difficult endeavor, because at some point your conscience tells you to do one thing, and your religion another. It is at that point that your integrity can come into question. What good are we if our integrity can be flushed away in order to maintain eldership?

    I respect and admire those here who stay in for the sake of getting information out. I hope you will contribute here as well.

    Welcome. Good palce to bounce frustration off people, so you don't do anything crazy out in the real world.

  • happy@last

    Welcome, I understand your cause, I felt the same at one time, I'm sorry I wasted so many years now though.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome, I wish you luck with your plans, I think you might need some. It isn't an easy road to travel as many here trapped in for their families can testify.

    Loz x

  • Pickler

    Welcome patient dude, I admire your ideas, but don't sell yourself short, it's a cliche but you only have 1 life, so please think about what's right for you ....and then do that.

    What makes you happy? How do you like to spend your time? what are you good at?

    look forward to hearing more from you!

  • goodsoul

    Looks like a troll..

    But Patient-dude, if you want to be an elder, I could give you my credentials. I intend to return them this week. So I could send it to you directly(anyway, holy spirit has nothing with it).

  • Patient-dude

    Thanks for the welcomes, also sorry for the quick intro, I had just received my email saying I can now post on this site so I just wrote a quick one while at work.

    A little more about me, as my name states I'm extremely patient and think my steps through before I do anything. But in the situation I am in now it is impossible to fade. And since the local congregation/elder body think of me very highly I see no reason to use this situation to help people wake up. I have slowly been helping some develop critical thinking skills so I can move to the more difficult things in time. I have been awake for four years slowly been helping some develop critical thinking skills so I can move to the harder stuff. I also have a relative that is an elder, and am trying to wake him up, and if it works that would help a lot.

    I also want to thank all who contribute on here because it has help me wake at least 2 people up

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Hi Patient! Welcome.

    I know some people here talked about "under-cover brothers" some time ago. There might be more people like you here. Good luck with your under-cover apostacy.

  • Giordano

    Patient Dude You can be of benefit if you tell the young ones to get some form of higher eduation.

    To hang out in the library and read books.

    Not to pioneer but study and get a good job work hard and save their money.

    To really understand blood factions and use them but if that is not sufficent.......... to take whole blood.

    To never talk to two Elders at the same time if they have a problem.

    I am sure others can offer other constructive things you can do to be a real asset to the people you serve as an Elder.

    I wish you all luck in the world to acomplish your purpose.

  • 00DAD


    Why would you deliberately want to pretend to be something you're not and believe things you don't?


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