What if you simply IGNORED being disfellowshipped and continued as before?

by Terry 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ABibleStudent

    Best of wishes getting exJWs and JWs to embrace your idea, Terry, and then getting organized to attend KH meetings for more than one or two meetings. I think this would be a great idea if you could get at least 10 awakened JWs and exJWs to get organized, get DF'ed, and/or then attend meetings at one congregation for a couple of years, so that they could emotionally support each other before and after meetings. This would be an awesome idead if all participants were able to effectively awaken JWs be asking simple questions. The more JWs, who awaken means fewer donations to the WTBTS, which is a good thing.

    Unfortunately, most JWs who are DF'ed are not awake, so they are emotionally unprepared to do what you propose. Most exJWs, who have been out for a few years, do not want to sit quietly through a meeting week after week for years.

    How do I know this? I posted a thread " Will another Generation be Lost" in the Bible Student Blog on the now extinct JWSF forum about 2 years ago. Although I was probably wrong about my intrepretation of 18 U.S.C. ยง 248 (a) (2) preventing the WTBTS from ejecting respectful attendees from meetings, m ost commentors thought my idea was crazy for numerous reasons.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • sooner7nc

    It probably couldn't be done for very long but the concept is genius.

  • trujw

    In the video from the 19 year old the elders brought up apostates coming to a convention(he was with them). They said nothing but sat down. They all wore shirts with a website on them. The cops were called and they were promptly kicked out. The kids starts laughing cause the elders said the women were flashing their tits. The kid said absolutly not true. I think it would just hurt the cause. By the time it got around the jw rumor mill you would be naked yelling I love the satan. Remember these are people who believe stuffed animal smurfs walk out of the Kingdom Hall.

  • WTDeserter

    Credibel sources have told me about a very old sister (in good standing) who was never called on during the large meetings because on the Book Study she started each and every comment with: "Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and all the Saint" and then she would continue with her comment as anyone else would. The elders talked to her a number of times but gave up in the end.

  • Honeybucket

    I have heard of a family that was asked to not go to certain kingdom halls.

    Here is the scoop. There is this wealthy, very powerful and popular family distances themselves from ANYTHING that would taint their good name. So when the daughter's husband's father was disfellowshipped for having an affair with a woman that he tried to help when he was an elder, they dropped him like hot cakes. But they also took this a step further. Because the daughter was more of a heavy than her own father, she called all the elders in the area and asked them to ban her father-in-law from halls that anyone in their family attends. This DF'd ex elder and his new family aren't allowed in the hall I was in just because this high and mighty family wanted to save-face. I was in awe the elders would even agree to this. But when the bigest donators say jump, the elders ask, how high?

    therefore, I would think that if they didn't want you there, you wouldn't be there.

  • Jeffro

    Sounds like an interesting premise for a play or maybe a sitcom. I don't think it's particularly realistic. Even without any overt displays, the actions, after initial 'counsel' , would be deemed not showing respect for their arrangements, which would result in a statement that the person's "implied invitation has been revoked", which could then result in being forcibly removed, and possible further action.

  • clarity

    I also refuse to be shunned!

    Never would go to the mtgs tho.... what an awful thought!


    But when they play their silly hiding games &' I don't see you' games,

    I go after them and start asking how they are etc!!!!


    I just laugh at the ones who clam up. Poor chumps!


  • wannabefree

    Serenitynow! posted an experience she had, there is a video, she was escorted out ... perhaps it had something to do with the t-shirt though.


  • Terry

    Is there a point to be made?

    Yes, I think there is.

    If you do nothing actively to oppose your being railroaded you will be railroaded.

    But, if you DO something to actively oppose your disfellowshipping you'll still be railroaded.

    However--there is a THIRD WAY.

    You do not surrender to the imagined power of men to separate you from Jehovah!

    You simply treat this grab for power as the joke it really is!"

    In effect, by honestly demonstrating you do not recognize the elder's assumed AUTHORITY you deflate the imaginary disfellowship procedure into nothing.

    A calm smile and a non-confrontational reply: "You are free to believe you can separate me from the love of God. I'm free to assure you that you cannot."

    Meanwhile, you go about your usual JW behavior AS THOUGH you have the assurance of Jehovah you are blameless.

    I cannot see how it is ILLEGAL to attend a religious gathering if you do not actively try to molest, harass or impugn others present and offer only smiles, well-wishes and calm demeanor.

    Should somebody attempt to physicall bar you from entering the Kingdom Hall or going out in service they would have to physically touch you and that can be construed as assault. They do not dare risk that.

    Your best statement to the blocking elders:

    "You do realize, don't you, that you are WRITING THE HEADLINES in the newspaper by how you decide to treat me?"

  • redvip2000

    If someone call pull that off for a few months, they should be given an Oscar.

    If you didn't disturb the meeting, i don't see how they could block entrance to the KH. However, it would be hard to deal with the elders asking you every meeting to please "don't do this and that", and calling you to the back after every meeting to threaten and remind you that you shouldn't be doing this.

    Nobody would talk to you, and would probably mock you on top of it. Still it would be brilliant to do that, and then create a blog to report back on how each meeting went, i know i would read it.

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