Recorded Judicial Meeting by 19 year old

by BlindersOff1 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. Once again- a typical JC meeting with elders trying to railroad this guy and showing annoyance towards his " independent " thinking. But I think this young man handled it well with dignity, and he didn't back down and I didn't see any disrespect in the 14 minute youtube. Just a guy standing up for what he believes in and being condemned for using his own mind to think.

    I found it very interesting that one of the first elders talking agreed with AnonDude in that the Bible SHOULD be the reference for our beliefs. Then right then, Mr. " Organization man " elder interrupted stating that " your videos indicate you feel the faithful slave is incorrect . " Then the magic question, " Do you feel YOUR opinions are to be more sanctioned than the spirit or Jesus appointed faithful and discreet slave ? " Going for the kill shot indeed. then if that wasn't bad enough the elder tries to excuse his mom from gossipping or slansering him in the congregation yet puts him down for confronting his mom about her gossip. Double standards indeed.

    I'll have to watch the other youtubes online, but I felt this young man showed restraint, maturity, and self control for sure during this ridiculous inquisition. Good luck Anon Dude, hope you are having less stress these days. We got your back

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    They didn't leave the room and talk about what they heard, so they were there to DF from the beginning?

  • Fed-up

    That prayer....that first scripture used by the Elder.

    His agenda is set, regardless of what the young man said.

    They are clueless. They don't even know this young man,

    How can they help him if they don't know him. These are

    supposed to be the 'shepherds of his soul'...

    "To obey is better than a sacrifice"...What?

    The Goal Post, the only thing that doesn't move. Like I am a light house, Change your course!

    That this 19 year old has to put up with any of this is crazy. They are all over the place!

  • DanmeraDinglebum

    The best part is the end. Elders "We are going to DF you".... anondude2 "great, can I buy you guys dinner" LMAO

  • clarity

    You have a lot of guts kid! ....and you sure know your bible!


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    ''No recording, it's just what we do''.......''we're just men talking''...

    it doesn't take them very long to get to the real point...the faithful slave/god's organization and obedience to them


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I believe we will see and hear more and more recorded JC (at least until the elders do strip searches at the behest of the GB)

    the crux will always be ''Do you believe that jehovah is using the GB/FDS as his true spokesman''

    if both parties stopped dancing around what both parties KNOW will be the crux, they will last all of 2 minutes...

    Not ever having had that sort of JC, i find these, although facinating, to be tad embarressing for the elders and the accused. The accused will try to prove a point that they already know will make no difference, the elders try to look interested in the views but they are not in the slightest. They need to boil it down to the nitty griity asap as well.

    By the time the JC took place the kid had 80 youtubes up...pretty obvious where he stood

    I mean no disrespect to those who have to go through a JC for finding the truth about the truth...


  • Lore

    Lot's of subject changing here.

    They want to talk about his mother. Until he starts explaining himself too well.

    "Let's go back to your videos"

    Then he starts making too much sense about his videos.

    "Let's go back to your association with disfellowshipped ones"

    Then he starts explaining why it's okay to spend time with these people.

    "Let's go back to your relationship with your mother"

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    These elders, like many other elder bodies, are totally buffoons! These audios are a must to listen too.

  • ambersun

    Wow, BlindersOff1, thanks for bringing these amazing videos to my attention, I had never come across them before. He really is remarkable the way he handled those elders and I can't get over the fact he is only 19 years old! He ran rings round those pompous buffoons intellectually and proved his knowledge of the bible and Watchtower doctrine was equal to, if not better than their own.

    I will now go and watch the rest of his videos with great fascination.

    Edited to add:

    ''No recording, it's just what we do''.......''we're just men talking''... I found this really creepy! Yes, just men talking. What they didn't say was that after they finished talking they would cold bloodedly throw you out of congregation and cut off all contact with family and friends. Which is nothing to what they would do if the law allowed, i.e. stone you to death. What a lovely religion this is to be sure

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