Deteriorating content of the WT

by His Excellency 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Since most of the in depth teaching of what the WTS. put forth in the past is just misinformation false teachings, the WTS. has nothing

    of substance to fall back on. This is partially some of the reason of the lesser amount of information the WTS. is putting out now.

    Mind you they are still trying the Armageddon soon crap that helped so much in proliferating their literature in the past.


    Whats for Dinner? Same Old WBT$ Crap..

    ....................  mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "The religion is dead, it just hasn't fallen over yet." well said, Jeff T

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "The religion is dead, it just hasn't fallen over yet." well said, Jeff T

  • tornapart

    I remember when the two articles came out about '607' at the tail end of 2011 when I was just waking up. I thought they looked quite good. They seemed well researched. Then I actually read them... and realised it was all fluff, made to look good. None of it actually held up.

    When I read the conflicting arguments it made me realise how very shallow it all was. Whoever wrote those articles knew nothing about the subject. However JWs reading it will think how great the articles were (if they bothered to read them in the first place). They won't even consider looking at the real information.

  • trujw

    I had a post on here about a quote from a secular source in the new 5-15-13 watchtower. I couldn't find the paper or article online. It turned out it was an old quote from the watchtower from 14 years ago( still trying to find out where it originally came from). They are so lazy now that they can't even come up with new quotes to put in the magazines just retreaded nonsense.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. has always blindsided people by selectively choosing only using information that supports their doctrines or information that is weak

    in opposition to their doctrines.

    Dumb JWS who think they are being fed the whole truth toward the argument take it all in as that.

    Case in point, how many JWS actually look in a encyclopedia to see when the final destruction of ancient Jerusalem occurred ?

    Or done any research of their own on certain subjects ?

    No wonder the WTS insists that their members do not do research on bible topics without the WTS. literature as interpreting guidance.

  • 88JM

    It may indeed be shitty content and basic stuff repeated, but I find it absolutely hilarious that it hasn't stopped them from producing a Simplified Version™ of the Watchtower!

    I've never thought about it, but I guess one of the main reasons for producing a Simplified Version™ is that it makes people studying the "regular" version think they are stuying something deep and intellectual - it probably has very little to do with trying to cater for those with poor understanding.

  • scary21

    WT and AWAKE mags 16 pages each = JW are now on a food is low fat .....not alot of flavor !

  • gma-tired2

    They have lost a lot of their deeper thinking writers, Ray Franz, Barbara Anderson, and the others. You DF your critcal thinkers you are left with those who are lucky to have graduated high school. They just aren't educated enough to make the old stuff a little interesting. That leaves you with becoming stricter thinking you will have perfect kids (followers) that is usually followed by a strong rebellion.

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