Notes from "Safeguard Your Conscience" Special Assembly Day

by WinstonSmith 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    How to Train Your Conscience “ We need assistance to train our conscience. We would not trust men to do this, Jeremiah 10:23. We would not listen to self help guides. They always change. What is 'in' one day is 'out' the next. How can you trust these ones when they change their mind so easily?”

    This one is just the coup de grace. How could THEY even consider being critical of ANYONE who changes their mind so easily?

    How can anyone sit there and hear that and not think WTF?

    It's laughable.



    Everything they say and print is to save face, and guilt the R&F into submission. The last WT study mentioned specifically how the ORG is not breaking up families or contributing to suicide. Why mention that? Because the Org is doing just that. The leaders are in denial, believing that God does not see what they are doing. They just really believe that they are the one channel of truth, or the leaders are totally corrupt. They think that they are too big to fail. I had a friend telling me all about the Pope being charged for crimes against humanity. " Why?", I said. " Covering up child abuse, for one thing", he said. " You reap what you sow ", was my last comment.

    The sad thing is that the poor rank&file really do not see that they worship the Organization. The WTBTS has done a fine job of decieving it's members. I love the people, but hate the Corporation.. Get out of her my people.....

  • hamsterbait

    "We should not listen to self-help guides: What is "in" one day is "out" the next."

    This from the Watchtower Society???? SERIOUSLY?????????



  • hamsterbait

    In arecent thread, a DO said that Jehoobie only gives out holy spirit through the Governing Body (I kid you not)

    So what is the point of begging god for it?

    But but but but NOOOO - The Gibbering Buddy IS God.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    A lot of antiquated direction from a group of old guys in an ivory tower who have no clue what it is to provide for one's self.

  • label licker
    label licker

    There was this cute ilttle couple that didn't get married in the hall and you should of heard this elders wife go on staying if you don't get married in a hall it's usually because the couple have had premarital sex. Guess who went to that cute little couples wedding?

    Also, show me in the organisation book where you put little cut-out paper dolls on a huge board at the front of the hall with peoples names on them and different colors to show who is pioneer, aux, ect...

  • QueenWitch

    Sounds like a huge guilt trip.

    Being late to a meeting does not equal not being respectful. Some people are just habitually late to EVERYTHING! This could be a mental issue.

    I don't recall seeing in the Bible where a couple must use a KH to get married.

    Blood is NOT hard to get rid off as any woman with her monthly knows. Clean it immediately. Hydrogen perioxide put on the stain helps dissolve it completely. WBTS analogy FAIL!

    "We need to beg Jehovah each day to give us his holy spirit" - Why? If we need it, why do we have to beg for it? Do (good) parents make their children beg for food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities? We just give it because that is our responsibility.

    Entertainment is one thing that can be hazardous to our conscience. This is because it promotes worldly things like spiritism and homosexuality as being normal. Movies show the misuse of blood, and the shedding of innocent blood. - The world thinks these things are fine, but they are not acceptable to Jehovah. Even a brief glimpse can begin the damage process on our conscience. - What? ok, let's take this bit by bit. Spiritism: Hollywood doesn't portray occult arts as they are in real life. For those of us who believe this sort of thing, we do NOT think of conjuring evil spirts as entertainment. Even when speaking with benelovent spirits, there is respect involved. Homosexuality: It's not my place to say that it's normal/abnormal. But I will say this, for a gay/lesbian/other person, their sexuality is normal to them and they are to be treated as people, not 2nd class citizens. I think it's fine for glbt? folks to be treated fairly and for that to happen, there needs to be more Hollywood portrayal of glbt? families. (I love James and Cyrus on Scandal!). Shedding of innocent blood: umm, just because Hollywood shows this doesn't mean we (the world) think that it's fine or normal. That's why it's fiction. Yes, I do think that some shows are pretty gorey (Spartacus) but again, it's fiction. Honestly, I don't think I could watch someone get killed in real life. On TV, we know that it's fake.

  • Emery

    Also, wedding ceremonies are pagan in origin.. so why should you be having them in the holy Kingdom Hall anyway? Haha just a thought for these legalistic "pagan-free" pharisees. You could always tell the elders that since wedding ceremony roots are so embedded with paganism you wish not to have it at the hall .

  • cobaltcupcake

    If, on a regular basis we ignore the prodding of our conscience, we can let ourselves drift away from Jehovah. We should not let our imperfect flesh guide us, but rather, holy spirit.

    Hold the phone! Do you guys really and truly believe that the holy spirit is guiding you to protect pedophiles in the congregation?

    I might add that my bible-trained conscience screamed at me to leave rather than remain "faithful" and be party to pedophilia.

  • BlindersOff1

    Thanks Winston.

    I can't imagine sitting through that CR*P

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