Notes from "Safeguard Your Conscience" Special Assembly Day

by WinstonSmith 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict

    Thanks for the work put into this Winston. A few interesting thoughts.

    Movies show the misuse of blood, and the shedding of innocent blood.

    - "misuse" is usually code for transfusions. When was there a transfusion movie I missed?

    Some like to find fault with the organisation, they cast aside the trust that comes loyal service.

    - Well its not like we LIKE it, its just if the shoe fits...

    Brothers, have you ever nicked your neck while shaving and got blood spots on your collar? Sisters, have you ever nicked your finger while preparing dinner and got blood on your dress? The blood is hard to get rid of. How on earth could one get rid of bloodguilt?

    -Good grief. Was this really what passes as an illustration? Bloodguilt analgous to blood stain from shaving?

    We commend those who sacrifice their Saturday mornings to out in the ministry. You may have to put personal things on hold, in order to do this life saving work, but by doing so, we free ourselves of bloodguilt.

    - This is the constant theme I overlooked when I was an apologist. The "only we can do this for you" line of reasoning. You can die if you do not serve. Very interesting how this is related to so many other facets.

    Each month, does the Governing Body get the elders to check up on how you counted your time? No, they have put the guideline in the book, and leave it up to our conscience.

    - Yes of course! How nice of them not to harrass the friends with HOW they counted their time! Its not that the counting of time itself has no biblical basis of course.

    Use the WT library to find out what information has been printed about a principle. When Jehovah sees us earnestly searching his word for answers, this pleases him. Once we have found information on a principle, reason and compare it to our situation. Use the guidelines provided to act on what we have ressoned out. It is an act of maturity to make a well thought out decision that is in harmony with he scriptures.

    - This is angering. Just infuriating. It is making people THINK they are using their conscience by "researching" in publications, and of course the "mature" viewpoint is the one they are directing. Double talk and manipulation at its finest.

    This should motivate us to not hold back in the preaching work. We demonstrate our desire to help Christ's brothers. Our work in the ministry will determine if we get that invitation from Jesus.

    - Another example fo the 6 degrees of separation where every doctrine that revolves around salvation loosely ties back to you doing what the slave (read 8 dudes in Patterson) tell you to do. They have truely seated themselves in the seat of Moses.

    Matthew 24:45-47. Without the help of the FDS class we would never understand what the holy spirit is telling us.

    The balls on these guys....I have heard this alot recently. basically its the, its worse out there, and they are responsible for teaching you the correct things you do know about the bible, not just the hooey. I honestly have a hard time answering that question.

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    I love the part about counting time. I always found it remarkable how pioneers seemed to count so much more time than the other publishers. I remarked on several occasions about what good is it if they're devoting all this time and then cheating on the time sheet. Jehovah would know and then he might kill them for being dishonest and in the end it wouldn't really be worth it, would it?

  • hamsterbait

    At least all the shedding of innocent blood in Hollywood is fake and fantasy.

    Think of all the innocent blood spilled in jehoobies name cos David had a census, or the ark was transported on a cart, or cos YHWH said kill EVERYTHING, without mercy. That Really really happened. DIDN'T it?


  • BU2B

    Is it a "Bible trained conscience"? or a programmed reaction to a given situation based on years of WT indoctrination/training. Dont follow your gut, just research WT Library for Gods thoughts! They truly are a modern day golden calf. I may need to sneak in a flask this year.. Hopefully I wont be at many more of these puke inducing, idolatrous mind control sessions.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Workmates and social networking is also a way for our conscience to be harmed

    uhh...I guess the outline omitted the fact that the WTBTS has a TWITTER account? S.O.C.I.A.L. N.E.T.W.O.R.K

    I wonder how many in the audience would have had their conscience harmed by knowing that one?


  • WinstonSmith

    Hello everyone,

    Great to see a good discussion going on. It was tough to sit through as the BS, cult speak and outright lies are clearly obvious when you have awakened. as we drove away at the end of the day, Mrs Smith and I both said that this may well be our last S.A.D.

    It is sad to see the real live proof with our own eyes the controlling talk, the paranoia inducing speech and shameful twisting of the scriptures. I pity those who are still aslumber and hope that maybe one day they can wake. Maybe someone lurking will read the notes along with everyone's comments and give them the confidence that their doubts are well founded.

    Some comments in the talks that really struck me were:

    - "We need assistance to train our conscience. We would not trust men to do this, Jeremiah 10:23. We would not listen to self help guides. They always change. What is 'in' one day is 'out' the next. How can you trust these ones when they change their mind so easily?" The WTS has been doing exactly this for more than 100 years!

    - "If you saw a car crash happen in front of you and kept driving because you didn't want to be late for a sports game, and later learned that people died in that crash, could you be free from bloodguilt? No. If you don't want to get put out by having to help in order to do your personal things it is shameful and you would be bloodguilty. - We commend those who sacrifice their Saturday mornings to out in the ministry. You may have to put personal things on hold, in order to do this life saving work, but by doing so, we free ourselves of bloodguilt." Equating not helping at a car crash with missing a morning's witnessing? Streeeeeeeeetch.

    - "This brings us to the matter of counting time in the ministry. Have you noticed how everyone seems to have a different way of counting it? When someone asks us how we count our time, do we tell people, or do we direct them to the Organised book on page 87 where it advises on this subject. Each month, does the Governing Body get the elders to check up on how you counted your time? No, they have put the guideline in the book, and leave it up to our conscience." I note that they fail to mention that the whole reporting of time thing is unscriptural to begin with!

    - "Principles come into play when there is something that can't be enforced by the elders. We have to be our own spiritual policemen." So stated in another way, laws can be enforced by the elders, and they would be acting as spiritual policemen when they do. Doesn't sound much like loving shepherding. Jesus would be proud, NOT.

    - "How do we measure our success? By hours? RVs? Studies? No it is by our faithfulnes to this work." We may not measure ourselves this way, but the elders definitely do. This first question asked when the elders are considering a brother for advancement is "What are his field service hours like?"

    - "We demonstrate our desire to help Christ's brothers. Our work in the ministry will determine if we get that invitation from Jesus." LIE. Show me a scripture that backs up that statement.

    - "Without the help of the FDS class we would never understand what the holy spirit is telling us." Whaaaat? According to the recent new light, the FDS has only been in existence since 1919. So does that mean that since Charles Russell was not part of the FDS this religion is based on his misunderstandings?

    Please use these notes, and peoples comments, to continue fine tuning your BS meter.

  • hoser

    They would of course want to use a Kingdom Hall, because they love and are thankful to Jehovah as the originator of mariage.

    The real reason for this is again control. The elders cannot control who(whom)? is invited if you have it at a different venue


  • Vienna Angelika
    Vienna Angelika

    I dont have the time to read over all this right now, but I attended last week with my parents and even they have lost they didnt feel like making notes. This struck me as odd because my parents have NEVER got to an assembly without taking notes. When I inquired about it afterwards, they simply told me there was no point anymore nor did they have the desire. I think they are really getting sick of the things that have been happening. Kudos to those who can make these notes for later reference! Thank you!

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