What are the things you dislike most about JW's?

by Chariklo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    personally... I think the head of the snake is the most evil but it's not what I dislike the most. I hate the arrogance of the rank and file. Joe Publisher if you will. How he's walking around with misinformation, looking down on you as a "pegan" or "worldly" for not bowing down to the golden calf of the Watchtower. Its so frustrating how they can present "facts" but refuse to listen to any. It's the dumb ass that thinks he's soooo smart that gets my blood a boilin'. The WTbullS is like a big zit on someones forehead. You just wanna pop that f'n thing.

    Billy.....this was awesome.

    I dislike that the Watchtower belief system is just as false as others they preach against, yet some JW beliefs cause people to die unnecessarily.

    I dislike how the Watchtower belief system causes little children to lead miserable lives, with higher education & economic opportunities discouraged, and child pedophile incidents covered over.

    I dislike how the Watchtower belief sytem destroys families and encourages shunning & disfellowshipping, because of one's leaving the religion or having a different opinion on something over than what their GB's current opinion is.

    I dislike many other things about the Watchtower society, but I will let other's take a turn in calling them a Cult.

  • Chariklo

    All of these points above are things that resonate with me.

    The arrogance, looking as if in pity on all non-JW's, the hypocrisy, thinking they are the only ones who God is going to look kindly on, and the sheer mind-numbing brainwashing that they dish out to other people because they never allow themselves actually to let two of their own brain cells link up. Logic goes out of the window to be replaced by "reasoning", their own special unique brand of churning out propaganda under the guise of scriptural "truth".

    In other words, lies, lies and more lies.

    And all the while affirming that they do everything in love, and that they come in peace.


  • WTWizard

    Their complete dishonesty. You are dragged along based on lies, then you are baptized and committed. From that point, you are hounded to pious-sneer. If you don't, joke-hova might decide you should have and you die. You never learn that the religion is half Jewish until it's too late (if then), and if you question them, they say that they rejected Judaism because the Jews rejected Jesus. They bash the Pharisees (who were the Jewish leaders), yet they act just like them (the half Jewish part of the religion). They bash the cat lick church, yet they are even worse. They claim to abide by the LIE-ble, yet they abide by the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.

    You also have the hounders. Many are Jewish and act it--like the Pharisees (after claiming the Jews rejected Jesus and were rejected by joke-hova for that). This, after they bash the Pharisees they are mimicking. The hounders are unreasonable, expecting you to pious-sneer. You get rules that have nothing to do with anything but control. Since when is wearing a colored shirt a sin? Since when is growing a beard (that is neat) a sin? Since when is having a Fenix LD-22 flashlight while in field circus just in case a sin? And, what happens when one congregation has strict rules not found in nearby congregations simply because the Pharisaic hounders decide to impose them? Or, when one book study always stands for prayers while none of the others do?

    Limited opportunities for finding a mate also suck. You can't do fornication, and you can't marry outside the cancer. (Now, if only Astaroth would have edited that Nov 1, 1989 rag. It would have been marched right back in for a total redo.) They had so many rules that, if you obeyed every one of them, you would never find anyone. Yet, if you disobey one of them, you are unfaithful and not deserving. Joke-hova was supposed to find someone for you--yet, joke-hova only found new ways to create barriers. Yet, they insist on doing field circus.

    I do not like any side of this religion. I do not like the Jewish side, and I do not like the Christian side. I am not willing to accept that I was born inherently sinful because someone ate a piece of fruit that otherwise would have fallen to the ground and rotted, or that I need to obey a bunch of stupid rules to earn salvation. The utter dishonesty is also contemptible--everything they say to not do is the key to finding your soul, and everything you are supposed to do prevents you from doing anything with it.

  • whathappened

    It was always the self righteous attitude that repulsed me when I was in and now also, that I am out.

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